probably would be much easier if you understood Windows Networking

I'm sure it would, I'm trying my best to learn them. In the meantime I have a bunch of users who are impatient to get this thing working ASAP and who are not patient enough to wait around while I read an entire book on Windows networking before tackling their problem.

Nothing below suggests that you are using a WINS server...not in the
Windows clients, not in smb.conf.

That is entirely correct. I'm not using a WINS server and I have no need to use a WINS server.

Make life easy for yourself, add 'wins support = yes' to smb.conf and
change your dhcp server to use as WINS server and node
type = '8'

I have tried adding 'wins support = yes' to the smb.conf and it has no effect on this problem. Furthermore I don't see why that should be necessary anyway since I'm not running a WINS server. Also, I can't change our DHCP server because it is controlled by a centralized agency that I have no authority over, and I don't have configuration access to it.

READ the documentation...Samba by Example does excellent handholding for
the impatient...

I would suggest that you start with 'Small Office Networking'

Yes I agree that the documentation is important, and I assure you that I have been reading it and I'm still reading it. I could just use a little help here, is all.

Also note that firewalls would block access - probably a very good idea
to run firewalls on these systems since they appear to have public IP
addresses - thus a 'hosts allow = 128.253.175. ' would be a very good
thing. Firewall would have to allow ports 137:139 and probably 445 from
that same ip address range.

Not going across a firewall, so this is not a problem.

Also note that you don't have any shares that users can see in your
above configuration since a "HOMES" share is only pertinent to those
that attach to a PDC/BDC and since you have surrendered that ground in
frustration, you can't have it.

Now this is an interesting and surprising statement. When we were running Samba 2 we were definitely not using PDC or BDC, but we had a homes share declared in the smb.conf and people were connecting to it every day without any difficulty. But you're saying now that you can't connect to the homes share unless you are attaching to a PDC or BDC? When did this happen? Was this a change in Samba's policy that occurred when they went from version 2 to version 3?


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