So even though I see this popping up in tons of posts, no one has encountered it and successfully solved the problem or can illuminate the issue?

Here's what I did not knowing what else to do:

  1. Deleted the account.  (smbldap-userdel)
  2. Recreated the account  (smbldap-useradd)
  3. Searched for any files owned by the old user, and chown'd them to
     the new user

It is not an elegant solution, but it is the only one I have now. So far I haven't gotten any accounts that have had the problem reoccur. But I'm waiting to see.


Wes Modes wrote:
I'm having the problem in which users can access their group shares, but not their home shares. These two shares are defined thusly in smb.conf:

           comment = Science & Engineering Reference Section
           path = /data/group/seref
           valid users = @seref, @seref-read, @admin
           read list = @seref-read
           write list = @seref, @admin
           force group = seref
           create mask = 0664
           directory mask = 0770

           comment = %u's Personal Share Directory
           path = /data/home/%U
           valid users = %U, @admin
           write list = %U, @admin
           create mask = 0600
           directory mask = 0700
           browseable = No

It seems that the %U variable, causes Samba to do a lookup_global_sam_name which fails.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] smbclient -Ujoeblow
   '\\\home' xxxxxxxx
          tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

Here's the relevant section of the log:

       init_sam_from_ldap: Entry found for user: joeblow
       init_group_from_ldap: Entry found for group: 30023
       User joeblow with invalid SID
   S-1-5-21-2642364908-3785178431-1037763545-61756 in passdb
     init_group_from_ldap: Entry found for group: 1001
       user 'joeblow' (from session setup) not permitted to access this
   share (home)

Please note that I am not using the ADS security model, nor do I care to at the moment. Here's the significant part of my smb.conf:

   ### Basic information for server
           workgroup = MCHSTAFF
           netbios name = EDGAR
           server string = Library Samba Server
           hosts allow = 169.233.
           hosts allow = 128.114.
           enable privileges = yes
           security = user
           encrypt passwords = yes
           preferred master = yes
           domain master = yes
           domain logons = yes
           local master = yes
           username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
           logon path =
           wins support = yes
           dns proxy = no

So why I am I getting the failure "User joeblow with invalid SID"?



Wes Modes
Server Administrator & Programmer Analyst
McHenry Library
Computing & Network Services
Information and Technology Services
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