I have run variant calling using samtools with the following settings:

samtools view -bq 20 -F 1796 bamfile.bam | samtools mpileup -EDSgu -d 5000 -f 
Refseq.fa -L 5000 -F 0.05 -| bcftools view -Nvg - > Variants.vcf

I generated a list of variants however I am confused why no variant was called 
for the site below:

#CHROM           POS      ID        REF   ALT    QUAL   FILTER INFO             
     chr11        8693405   .           G       .       23.8        .       
PL:DP:SP        255:105:0

When I look at the calls made using mpileup I can see that all sites are either 
A or T (see below) (read depth 105) so it seems completely incorrect to call 
the Ref base which is G.


chr11   8693405 G       105     

This data is taken from high read depth sequencing of the HapMap sample NA12878 
so I know that at this position the correct call should be:

chr11   8693405 .       G       A,T     24600   PASS    
BasesToClosestVariant=668;LEN=1,1;TYPE=snp,snp  GT      2|1

So the correct bases seem to be aligning just that the variant is not being 

I am using samtools version 0.1.19

Any suggestions what might be happening here.

Many thanks



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