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Today's Topics:

   1. Sanskrit monthly magazine (Vis Tekumalla)
   2. Re: Sanskrit monthly magazine (Sai)
   3. Humour in grammar (11) responses (peekayar)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 11:25:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Vis Tekumalla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Sanskrit monthly magazine
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

internete dR^iShtAmidam mayA bangalore nagare prachurita sabhAShaNA sandeshaH nAma 
samskR^ita-mAsa-patrikAyAH kechit vAgvistarAn.
paran.tu mama e-mail tasyAH bounce AsIt. 
katha.m asmAbhir upaga.ntaya patrikA.m subscription viShaye iti sa.mpradhArayAmi.
(I have seen on the internet some details about a Bangalore-published monthly Sanskrit 
magazine called "Sambhashana Sandeshah." However, when I sent an e-mail to them it 
bounced. I wonder how we can contact the monthly to inquire about subscription 
If anyone has some information in that regard, can you please post. Is the the 
magazine still in circulation? I have heard that "Chandamama" has stopped its Sanskrit 
version couple of years ago. Is that true? Thanks.

...Vis Tekumalla

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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 13:10:44 -0600
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Sanskrit monthly magazine
To: Vis Tekumalla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

samskrita bhAratI vA tasyAH patrikANAM viShaye praShTum etat email sanketaH 

(To ask about samskrita bharatI publications, this email address is

chandamAmA ekadA stagitaH | para.ntu samskrita bhAratyA mudraNam
punarArambham iti manye | taiH saha samparkam varam |

(Once chandamama was stopped. But then samskrita bhArati started
publishing it again. It is best to ask them directly)
- Sai.

Vis Tekumalla uvaacha:
> internete dR^iShtAmidam mayA bangalore nagare prachurita sabhAShaNA sandeshaH nAma 
> samskR^ita-mAsa-patrikAyAH kechit vAgvistarAn.
> paran.tu mama e-mail tasyAH bounce AsIt. 
> katha.m asmAbhir upaga.ntaya patrikA.m subscription viShaye iti sa.mpradhArayAmi.
> (I have seen on the internet some details about a Bangalore-published monthly 
> Sanskrit magazine called "Sambhashana Sandeshah." However, when I sent an e-mail to 
> them it bounced. I wonder how we can contact the monthly to inquire about 
> subscription details).  
> If anyone has some information in that regard, can you please post. Is the the 
> magazine still in circulation? I have heard that "Chandamama" has stopped its 
> Sanskrit version couple of years ago. Is that true? Thanks.
> ...Vis Tekumalla
> ---------------------------------
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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 20:37:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: peekayar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Humour in grammar (11) responses
To: sanskrit digest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

1. Give the meaning of -

napuMsakamiti j~nAtvA                                                                  
                                   priyAyai preSitaM                                   
                                                      priyAyai preSitam manaH .        
              tattu tattu tatraiva ramate hatAh                                        
pANininA vayam ..

>From Sai
Though knowing that manas is genderless, it is 
sent to the (female) lover. But manas (heart) 
revels only in her company. Alas! we are doomed
by pANini!
The word manas in sanskrit is napunsaka linga 
neuter gender). In the world, those who enjoy
a female's company are usually males in gender.
A male enjoying a female's company is the norm.
But pANini has made the heart (a male lover's 
heart) which always wants to be with his beloved,
into a neuter gender. Making something that enjoys 
female company into a neuter gender sounds 
(poetically) odd to the author.
>From Vis Tekumalla

Taking PaNini at his word (grammatically), and believing 
“heart” to be of neutral gender, I sent my heart to my 
beloved (with complete confidence that nothing untoward 
would happen), but alas! it suffered a deformation after
 our union, and PaNini doesn’t bother to explain it. 

>From Arathi Sankaran
Knowing the mind to be neuter gender (impotent) 
I sent it to my beloved. But, it happily resides there
 (like a man). We have been cheated by pANini.

>From Sarada Susarla

Knowing that 'manas' (root word for 'manaH') is 
neuter gender I sent it to my beloved (female).
But, that dwells there itself (with her itself) 
thus, we men (puruShAH) are killed by pANiNi 
(the grammarian who is has defined the grammar rules).

>From P.K.Ramakrishnan
Knowing that manas is of neuter gender, I sent
my mind as a messenger to my beloved (which is
feminine). But it is still enjoying her company
(as a masculine) and not returning. 
We are duped by Panini the grammarian.

2. Explain with reference to the context.
na tathaa baadhate shiitaM
yathaa baadhati baadhate.

>From Sai

(The use of) bAdhati annoys more than even cold.
bAdhati is annoying because it is wrong usage;
it should be bAdhate (Atmane padi).

>From Aarathi Sankaran
I heard it from my mother as 
'AndolikA daNDam' and not shItaM.
A king was travelling in a palanquin
with four people. One of them was 
very slow and the king enquired him
"AndolikAdaNDaM bAdhati kim?" "does 
the palanquin stick hurt you?" The 
person who was slow answered "na tathA
bAdhate daNDaM yathA bAdhati bAdhate" 
"the stick does not bother me as 
much as the wrong usage of bAdhate".
The king wrongly used parasmaipada for 
The verb bAdh which is used in Atmanepada.

>From Vis Tekumalla

Here is this husband with a limited knowledge 
of Sanskrit who, in a somewhat amorous 
mood, asks his wife, “shiitaM te baadhati
.”She replies, “na tathaa baadhate shiitaM 
yathaa baadhati baadhate” -
 shiitaM (cold) doesn’t bother me as much
 as (your) “baadhati” (your use of an annoying 
grammatical termination).  
>From Sarada Susarla
The original Sloka is:
kashchit alpa-shikShitaH patiH 
sushikShitaaM svapatniim avadat.
api shiitaM te baadhati iti |
saa avadat 
na tathaa baadhate shiitaM 
yathaa baadhati baadhate |
kashchit = some (person)
alpa-shiShitaH patiH = little learned husband
avadat = said
sushikShitaaM svapatniim = to his learned wife 
api shiitaM te baadhati = does cold bother
(trouble) you? (actually
baadhati is incorrect usage)
saa avadat = she said
na tathaa baadhate shiitam = no, cold doesn't bother
(trouble) me in that manner
yathaa baadhati baadhate = just like the word 
'baadhati' bothers (troubles)
baadhati(parasmaipadi) is incorrect usage and
the coorect usage is baadhate (aatmanepadi)
Some not so learned husband asked his wife 
"Does cold bother you?". (He used the word 
‘bAdhati' for trouble which is grammatically
incorrect.) Then she replied "Cold does not
bother me as much as the word 'baadhati'
troubles me."

>From P.K.Ramakrishnan
Note – I have three versions of 
this statement.
1) na tathaa baadhate shiitaM
   yathaa baadhati baadhate.
2) na tathaa baadhate daNdaM
   yathaa baadhati baadhate.
3) na tathaa baadhate skanDhaM
   yathaa baadhati baadhate.
     (quoted by Apte)
The most popular story is like this.
When Kalidasa’s fame as a mahaakavi 
was spreading from the country of
Ujjain, a certain poet from a
neighboring country wanted to 
Challenge him.  When he was arriving
the king sent a palanquin to receive
him as was the custom in those days. 
Kalidasa disguised himself as one of
the palanquin bearers. When the visitor
Was being carried, there was a blow
Of cold wind. The bearer in disguise 
did not have sufficient protective 
clothes. In those days Sanskrit
Was the spoken language.  The guest
taking pity on the bearer asked him.
“shiitaM bahu bAdhati? (Does cold hurt 
you much?)  To which the bearer replied –
na tathA bAdhate shiitaM
yathA bAdhati bAdhate.
Cold does not trouble me as much
as bAdhati. (Which is grammatically 
wrong. parasmaipada instead of Atmanepada)
The visitor was surprised that in a
country even a palanquin bearer
was more knowledgeable than himself. 
He therefore decided to return avoiding
a possible defeat from Kalidasa.  
My further comments –
In this instance versions (2) and (3)
may not be very appropriate.  
(2) The palanguin pole affecting the
(3) The weight affecting the shoulder
    of the bearer.
But I consider (2) and (3) not appropriate.
(2) mentions the source of the bAdhA.
(3) mentions the body part affected.
But (1) describes the cause of the bAdhA
Which is more appropriate.  In many of our
local languages there are usages like
shiitabAdhA, uSNabAdhA, etc. 


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