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Today's Topics:

   1. agastya (peekayar)
   2. Re: agastya (Sai)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 03:09:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: peekayar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Sanskrit] agastya
To: sanskrit digest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

According to mythology asgastya climbed Vindhya and put his foot on top of it and 
ordered it not to grow
till his retrun from the South.  I had a doubt that agastya got this name from this 
I have consulted a grammarian who has given the derivation of agastya as 
agam (mountain) styaayati (stays) iti agastyah.  
Incidentally the English stay seems to have originated from the Sanskrit styaa.
Comments are welcome.

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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 10:47:52 -0600
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] agastya
To: peekayar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: sanskrit digest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Let us try using the verb 'styA' in sentences:
        himasya Saityena stIyate vapuH ?

<E> styai
<M>  cl. 1. P. %{styAyati} , to be collected into a heap or mass Dha1tup. xxii , 14 ; 
to spread about ib. ; to sound ib. ; cl. 1. A1. %{styAyate} (pr. p. %{styAna} q.v. ; 
ind. p. %{-styAya} ; see %{ni-STyai}) , to stiffen , grow dense , increase Uttarar. 
<E> styAna
<M>  mfn. grown dense , coagulated Sus3r. Sa1h. ; stiffened , become rigid Car. ; soft 
, bland , unctuous , smooth (= %{snigdha}) L. ; thick , bulky , gross W. ; sounding 
MW. ; n. (only L.) density , thickness , grossness , massiveness ; unctuousness ; 
nectar ; idleness , sloth , apathy ; echo , sound.
<E> styAya
<M>  see %{saM-styAya}.
<E> styAyana
<M>  n. collecting into a mass , aggregation , crowding together Nir.

- sai.

peekayar uvaacha:
> According to mythology asgastya climbed Vindhya and put his foot on top of it and 
> ordered it not to grow
> till his retrun from the South.  I had a doubt that agastya got this name from this 
> act.
> I have consulted a grammarian who has given the derivation of agastya as 
> agam (mountain) styaayati (stays) iti agastyah.  
> Incidentally the English stay seems to have originated from the Sanskrit styaa.
> Comments are welcome.
> PKRamakrishnan
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End of sanskrit Digest, Vol 17, Issue 5

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