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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: An Experiment: Online Dictionary
      (Bhalchandra Gangadhar Thattey)


Message: 1
Date: 2 Oct 2005 17:00:47 -0000
From: "Bhalchandra Gangadhar Thattey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] An Experiment: Online Dictionary
To: "Klaus Glashoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain;       format=flowed

Dear Klaus,
An excellent endeavour.
Where can one see your word list.
I am also doing such an an exercise to enable
me and wife to converse in Sanskrit more fluently.
Our mother tongue is MARATHI a major Indian language.
So it is Marathi to Sanskrit.
The beauty of Sanskrit is in LAGHUTVA. Few words for great 
We are, therefore, trying to avoid the temptation to bring Marathi 
construction in our Sanskrit conversation.
There are several Sanskrit >> English or Marathi and English 
 >>Sanskrit dictionaries.
But hardly any Marathi >> Sanskrit
During and after this effort our Sanskrit conversation
has vastly improved.
Your name indicates that your mother tongue is likely to be 
Am I right?
Keep it up and
Keep in touch.
Bhalchandra Thattey

On Sun, 02 Oct 2005 Klaus Glashoff wrote :
>I have started an online dictionary for spoken Sanskrit which is 
>open to cooperative work for everyone.
>The wordlist I began with is not optimal and has to be changed 
>considerably. It is planned to introduce also small Sanskrit 
>sentences into the dictionary. "Ancient" terms have to be deleted 
>and a standard for the grammatical structure of the entries has 
>to be imposed.
>Please  feel free to experiment with the online dictionary. Let 
>me know critical remarks and hints for improvements!
>I will be in South India from November on, and I will be looking 
>for partners for improving the dictionary.
>sanskrit mailing list

Shubham Bhavatu


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End of sanskrit Digest, Vol 31, Issue 3

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