Meio repetitiva , não? Hahahah
On Oct 27, 2015 12:44, "Rodrigo Panchiniak Fernandes" <>

> Acho que toda terminologia pode ser mistificada ou desmistificada, assim
> como o remédio em excesso pode ser veneno! ;)
> O comentário do André me fez lembrar desta chamada da
> :
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work.
> - See more at:
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work.
> - See more at:
> "
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work.
> - See more at:
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work.
> - See more at:
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work."
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work.
> - See more at:
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work.
> - See more at:
> developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work.
> - See more at:
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work.
> - See more at:
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work.
> - See more at:
> Our developers need to be well-rounded technologists who have a holistic
> understanding of the web technology stack they work with, but who can also
> interface with clients in a professional and intelligent way.
> We're not looking for rockstars, ninjas, zombies or pirates. We're looking
> for smart, creative, resourceful developers who want to work with some
> impressive clients and who want to take pride in their work.
> - See more at:
> On 27-10-2015 07:29, Andre Carneiro wrote:
> Pra mim esse lance de 'fullstack' é um nome bonito para o
> 'faz-tudo-que-deve-ganhar-a-mesma-merda'. É mais uma desculpinha
> esfarrapada do povo de RH que quer 'mostrar serviço', mostrando que pode
> contratar uma pessoa que pode fazer o serviço de três pessoas pelo preço de
> uma. Isso 'no ecxiste'!
> É muito raro alguém que domine todas as áreas envolvidas em problemas de
> TI, ou seja, do design ao backend. Eu não conheço ninguém.
> Cheers!
> 2015-10-26 23:43 GMT-02:00 Solli Honorio <>:
>> Nilton,
>> A questão é mais como é que se torna um Fullstack Dev. Partindo do
>> princípio que não tem coisa melhor (e nem pior), o Fullstack vem de um
>> profissional que sente prazer e se diverte com todo o 'enviroment' do
>> desenvolvimento, e isto incluí a parte do backend.
>> Com relação as empresas gostarem mais ou menos deste profissional, está
>> mais relacionado a cultura e necessidade dela. Se a empresa tem definições
>> rígidas como desenvolver, talvez não vê num profissional Fullstack adequado
>> a equipe, e na minha opinião ela tem ração. Criar equipe é difícil, e ter
>> pessoal com perfil não aderente a cultura dela é mais difícil ainda.
>> Abraços,
>> Solli Honório
>> Em 26 de outubro de 2015 22:52, Nilton OS <> escreveu:
>>> Thiago, mas Fullstack Developers não é o cara que sabe desde de desenv
>>> ate infra, será que uma empresa quer um cara assim.
>>> Olha fiquei uns 6 meses sem trampo e percebi que muitas empresas não são
>>> tão fam desses caras ou não acreditam muito.
>>> ..............................................................................................
>>>  *Nilton OS* <> | *Linux Expert 16 years ago* |
>>> <>
>>> *"Cert: LPIC-1, SUSE SCLA, ITILv3 2011"*
>>> Em 26 de outubro de 2015 22:42, Nilton OS <>
>>> escreveu:
>>>> Olhas os eventos de Python que eu vou e gravo.
>>>> Esse foi o ultimo, esse sábado:
>>>> Tem uma lista:
>>>> ..............................................................................................
>>>>  *Nilton OS* <> | *Linux Expert 16 years ago*
>>>> | <>
>>>> *"Cert: LPIC-1, SUSE SCLA, ITILv3 2011"*
>>>> Em 26 de outubro de 2015 19:24, Ricardo Stock <>
>>>> escreveu:
>>>>> tamo junto
>>>>> Ricardo Stock
>>>>> - Tel/Whatsapp (13)98826-5700
>>>>> -----Mensagem Original----- From: Thiago Rondon
>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 8:04 AM
>>>>> To: São Paulo Perl Mongers
>>>>> Subject: [SP-pm] Fullstack Developers São Paulo
>>>>> Pessoal,
>>>>> Acabei de criar um meetup, nossa ideia é desenvolver um evento a cada
>>>>> 3 meses com desenvolvedores que estejam criando soluções de
>>>>> "ponta-a-ponta" e queiram compartilhar isso.
>>>>> Em muitos casos, temos preferencias de atuação entre back-end,
>>>>> front-end, banco de dados, infraestrutura e por aí vai, além de
>>>>> tecnologias especificas. A ideia é misturar tudo, e debater sobre
>>>>> soluções criadas por pessoas que decidiram fazer tudo.
>>>>> E o primeiro evento já tem data, é dia 21 de novembro.
>>>>> Quem tiver afim de participar e falar sobre, por favor, só entrar no
>>>>> meetup e compartilhar o que queira dizer lá no grupo mesmo.
>>>>> Abs!
>>>>> -Thiago Rondon
>>>>> --
>>>>> EOKOE - Construímos empresas de tecnologia
>>>>> Rua Desembargador Eliseu Guilherme, 53 - Cj. 21 - São Paulo - SP -
>>>>> Brazil
>>>>> - Tel.: +55 11 3386-8181
>>>>> <%2B55%2011%203386-8181>
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>> --
>> "o animal satisfeito dorme". - Guimarães Rosa
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>>    Sao Paulo Perl Mongers:
>>  SaoPaulo-pm mailing list:
>>  L<>
>> =end disclaimer
> --
> André Garcia Carneiro
> Software Engineer
> (11)982907780
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>  L<> 
> <>
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