
I'm currently a FSF tech intern. My next project is likely going to be
allowing the sub pages of gnu.org/software/ to be updated from a Git
repo. Savannah has web.cvs.savannah.gnu.org/ for this functionality
right now, but only from CVS based repos. How would Savannah maintainers
set up something similar for Git? I was thinking something similar to
what's in place for CVS (web.git.savannah.gnu.org), or each GNU project
having a second repo with /web appended to the name where the files
would be kept.

Please let me know what the Savannah maintainers think is the best
strategy. If the first one is chosen, would you be interested in
implementing the URL structure or a similar one?

My irc is daniel-k on Libera if someone wants to message me there.
#fsfsys on Libera is also good.

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