> Cc: savannah-hackers-public@gnu.org
> From: Daniel Katz <danie...@fsf.org>
> Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 16:41:38 -0400
> Right now, wildebeest (the gnu.org server) has a collection of scripts
> that grab files from Savannah and put them into the correct place on
> gnu.org. According to rwp, there is one script/CVS hook running on
> Savannah that pings wildebeest but I do not know for sure. I don't have
> access to Savannah and somebody I asked to look through Savannah could
> not find anything related to that.
> I plan to modify the scripts to work with both Git and CVS and hope to
> keep rewriting at a minimum. I'm documenting the current system right
> now so I know what needs to be modified and what can stay the same or
> even be deleted. The new system will also be deployed to the new
> Wildebeest server when it's ready.

So you envision no changes to the user side of this, i.e. for those
who edit and update documentation stored on gnu.org/software via CVS?

> I'd love to talk with anyone who has knowledge of this system!
> I'm also wondering if anyone knows of or has access to the CVS
> hook/script that is on Savannah?

Not me, sorry.

Thanks for working on this.

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