I suggest "mass mailing". 

Of course.  But, as I said, I need the list of projects (if not admins).
Can you send it to me?  I had the impression you already generated the
list of problematic projects, since you gave rms numbers of projects in
each problematic category.  In any case, I have no reasonable way to
make the list from here on the "outside".

I have no problem doing the mailing and dealing with the inevitable

    I'll update savannah.gnu.org/register/ as well as the FAQ right now.

Excellent, thanks.

    What is expected from you for this job, btw? Does RMS expect you to
    supervise this? 

Yes.  He asked me to do what I can to keep things moving, and give a
progress report every couple weeks.

    You were Cc:ed on this issue from the beginning but
    I don't know really why :) Maybe you had an anterior conversation?

I can't remember if he wrote me first about this particular issue, but
in general, I am basically his "assistant chief GNUisance" (as he's
referred to me occasionally :) these days.  So he sometimes passes off
such things to me.  I try to help him where I can with contacting GNU
maintainers, looking at new projects, licensing stuff, etc.  Just as in
the case at hand :).


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