
                 Summary: Submission of GNU Meetup
                 Project: Savannah Administration
            Submitted by: haghighi
            Submitted on: Thu 12 Sep 2019 06:45:31 PM UTC
         Should Start On: Thu 12 Sep 2019 12:00:00 AM UTC
   Should be Finished on: Sun 22 Sep 2019 12:00:00 AM UTC
                Category: Project Approval
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
        Percent Complete: 0%
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                  Effort: 0.00



A new project has been registered at Savannah
This project account will remain inactive until a site admin approves
or discards the registration.

= Registration Administration =

While this item will be useful to track the registration process,
*approving or discarding the registration must be done using the specific
Group Administration
<https://savannah.gnu.org/siteadmin/groupedit.php?group_id=11970> page*,
accessible only to site administrators,
effectively *logged as site administrators* (superuser):

* Group Administration

= Registration Details =

* Name: *GNU Meetup*
* System Name:  *gnu-meetup*
* Type: GUG
* License: GNU General Public License v3 or later


== Description: ==
*GNU Meetup* is a team derived from Tehran LUG in 2018 to be more specific on
software freedom.

This project is going to host all contents related to our team, including
website's source code, presentations and etc. 

Moreover this project will be used for task management, making decisions, and
Issue tracking. 

== Other Comments: ==
We want to use this project for out task management and our feuture

Currenlty we using following platforms and recently we decided to move some of
works to Savannah (like task management and Issue tracking):
GitLab.com: Hosting websites and Issue tracking
archive.org and PeetTune for hosting Presentations and Videos.

== Tarball URL: ==


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