Hi Steve,

Steve White wrote:
> OK I tried it again.  Still not working -- it has hung:
> $ svn commit
> Sending        ...<correct list of files>
> Transmitting file data ...done
> Committing transaction...

And that also shows a process stuck on it on the server side.

root@vcs0:~# lsof | grep txn-current-lock
svnserve  20468       Stevan_White    4u      REG               0,24         0  
  7003445 /net/vcs/srv/svn/freefont/db/txn-current-lock (vcs:/)

> And nothing for several minuts.  Previously I killed the process and
> tried again later -- this is when I saw the issue with the lock on the
> server.
> I have been committing the same way pretty regularly recently and this
> thing just started happening yesterday.
> And I saw it happen on a different system, when I committed something
> from there.

Sometimes the root cause is not immediately clear.  I tested to our
test-project and I could commit okay.  I have a suspicion and tried
something.  Please try it again now.

(I hate to say before I know but I have seen the nfs lockd get into an
odd state on individual files before.  This is tied to the inode and
so tracks the physical file and not the name.  Therefore I rotated
that file out of the way and a copy into place.  This doesn't
eliminate the problem but side-steps it.  If it is one of those times
again then the problem will follow the file and all will appear okay
now.  And if not then it is something completely different.  Just a
diagnose step.)

> I'll leave it like this for a while so you can look at it.

I killed that process on the server side.

> What else can I look at?

I added you to the test-project.  Please check that out and make some
random change to test-file1.txt or create a new file or whatever and
then commit that back in.  Did that work?  Do that twice or three
times.  Does that work?  It's a test project to test svn functionality
on Savannah so please keep it clean but the changes aren't important
otherwise.  Any diddle and commit should test the flow.

  svn co svn+ssh://stevan_wh...@svn.savannah.nongnu.org/test-project


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