
This time the commit worked.

Shall I still experiment with the test project?

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 1:10 AM, Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Steve White wrote:
>> OK I tried it again.  Still not working -- it has hung:
>> $ svn commit
>> Sending        ...<correct list of files>
>> Transmitting file data ...done
>> Committing transaction...
> And that also shows a process stuck on it on the server side.
> root@vcs0:~# lsof | grep txn-current-lock
> svnserve  20468       Stevan_White    4u      REG               0,24         
> 0    7003445 /net/vcs/srv/svn/freefont/db/txn-current-lock (vcs:/)
>> And nothing for several minuts.  Previously I killed the process and
>> tried again later -- this is when I saw the issue with the lock on the
>> server.
>> I have been committing the same way pretty regularly recently and this
>> thing just started happening yesterday.
>> And I saw it happen on a different system, when I committed something
>> from there.
> Sometimes the root cause is not immediately clear.  I tested to our
> test-project and I could commit okay.  I have a suspicion and tried
> something.  Please try it again now.
> (I hate to say before I know but I have seen the nfs lockd get into an
> odd state on individual files before.  This is tied to the inode and
> so tracks the physical file and not the name.  Therefore I rotated
> that file out of the way and a copy into place.  This doesn't
> eliminate the problem but side-steps it.  If it is one of those times
> again then the problem will follow the file and all will appear okay
> now.  And if not then it is something completely different.  Just a
> diagnose step.)
>> I'll leave it like this for a while so you can look at it.
> I killed that process on the server side.
>> What else can I look at?
> I added you to the test-project.  Please check that out and make some
> random change to test-file1.txt or create a new file or whatever and
> then commit that back in.  Did that work?  Do that twice or three
> times.  Does that work?  It's a test project to test svn functionality
> on Savannah so please keep it clean but the changes aren't important
> otherwise.  Any diddle and commit should test the flow.
>   svn co svn+ssh://stevan_wh...@svn.savannah.nongnu.org/test-project
> Bob

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