Not many builders go to BlackHat. BlackHat is by Breakers, for
Defenders. It is primarily attended by Defenders, with a smaller pool
of dedicated Breakers.

It is very valuable to our industry to have conferences focused on
Breaking. Though they do have Builder and Defender talks. Some of my
first BlackHat talks were on a statistical B-A-D WAF a few of us
built, though statistical behavioral anomaly detection is boring, so
we'd drop a few zero-days on products in the talk to keep folks awake.

If you want to reach Builders: there are already dev-focused
conferences and communities for Builders. Jeremiah Grossman and I have
made a point at going to developer-focused conferences around the
world, and been well received. So, I suspect they'll allow other
security folks in too.

Michael Coates has an excellent blog post suggesting an organization
for OWASP along the above lines - and appealing to all three groups -
it would be interesting to see other security conferences explore this

As for your concerns with over-emphasis on breaking....

Breaking is concrete, measurable, and actionable. There are many
historical precedents for Breakers driving the innovations of

For Example: The auto industry Builders learned substantively about
safety from the Breakers. There are many lessons in the evolution of
car safety features for us in how Breakers drive defense. From IR
(cadaver research) to Black Box (crash testing) to SAST/DAST
automation tools and test harnesses (Hybrid III and acceleration
sleds) - the evolution of car safety was instrumentally fueled, if not
driven, by the innovations of the Breakers.

It makes sense that software security will benefit from many of the
same analogues. So - it's no surprise there is so much emphasis on

Finally - Breaking sells. It's really hard for Defenders to sell
Building Secure to business owners without concrete measurements from
Breakers. Basically, Breakers help Defenders get budget for things
like Secure Builder research and programs. And Breakers provide
measurement metrics on Builder progress.

Let's face it - Breaking is far sexier than Building. When was the
last time you saw an exciting presentation on -GS in Visual Studio?
This may be why the SCL list is smaller than the dozens of other
Breaker lists out there on the interwebs. Or it could be that the
problem is so darn hard....

Arian Evans
Builder and Breaker

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Gary McGraw <> wrote:
> hi sc-l,
> I went to Blackhat for the first time ever this year (even though I am 
> basically allergic to Las Vegas), and it got me started thinking about 
> building things properly versus breaking things in our field.  Blackhat was 
> mostly about breaking stuff of course.  I am not opposed to breaking stuff 
> (see "Exploiting Software" from 2004), but I am worried about an overemphasis 
> on breaking stuff.
> After a quick and dirty blog entry on the subject 
> <>,
>  I sat down and wrote a better article about it:
> Software [In]security: Balancing All the Breaking with some Building
> I've also had a chat with Adam Shostack (a member of the newly formed 
> Blackhat Advisors) about the possibility of adding some building content to 
> Blackhat.  Go Adam!
> Do you agree that Blackhat could do with some building content??
> gem
> company
> podcast
> blog
> book
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