Hi Shonal,

>>>>> "Shonal" == Shonal Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Shonal> hi raj, I volunteer both time and resources for the
    Shonal> same. But may need your support to finish the job.  Tell
    Shonal> me if you think i am any capable.  regards Shonal

Thanks for the quick response!  Can we meet up on Saturday and fix
this up too?  I'd be quite happy to go with you to meet Prof Khanna.


-- Raju

    Shonal> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Raju Mathur"
    Shonal> Thursday, September 26, 2002 8:00 PM Subject: [LAP] (fwd)
    Shonal> [india-gii] Re: Wireless and Linux

    >> Please see point 2: this is manna from heaven!  Can we work out
    >> a team to quickly meet Prof Khanna, get his requirements and
    >> assist in setting up a Linux-based lab for DSE?
    >> This is an RFC 1153 digest.  (1 message)
    >> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    >> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >> From: "Dr.Sri Ram Khanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >> Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Arun Mehta
    >> [india-gii] Re: Wireless and Linux Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002
    >> 18:59:18 +0500
    >> From: Sri Ram Khanna, Professor of Commerce,Delhi School of
    >> Economics, University of Delhi and Managing Trustee, Consumer
    >> VOICE
    >> To: Arun:
    >> Dear Arun: I have been watching the postings on this list for a
    >> long time but have posted a response only ocassionally. This is
    >> one of the ocassions to post a response
    >> 1.I would be happy to recieve your write up on the "wireless
    >> optical comm".Along with the writeup can you please advise me
    >> if an 802.11
    Shonal> wireless
    >> network can be set up at low cost in new delhi ?If yes, which
    >> vendor can install it and how much can it cost ,Is it
    >> affordable for a double storey building housing 20 PCs on
    >> different floors ?
    >> 2. I am involved is setting up a computer lab for our students
    >> at the Deptt. of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics. I and my
    >> colleagues are not familiar with Linux and have used mainly
    >> Microsoft packages. My respose is to your comments :
    >> " the cheapest, easy to maintain and upgrade hardware, with
    >> plenty of software available for it, is the IBM compatible PC
    >> (running Linux)"
    >> What is your advise on the Linux software that can be used ? Is
    >> it
    Shonal> possible
    >> for a PC to use both Linux and Micrsoft on the same machine in
    >> parallel ?  If yes, how to do that ?  Can you list Linux
    >> software that can replace MSOffice ?
    >> A response to para 1 and 2 would be appreciated.
    >> regards S R Khanna
    >> ------------------------------
    >> End of this Digest
    >> ******************
    >> --
    >> Raju Mathur [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://kandalaya.org/ It is the
    >> mind that moves

Raju Mathur               [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
                      It is the mind that moves

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