> 1.I would be happy to recieve your write up on the
> "wireless optical
> comm".Along with the writeup can you please advise
> me if an 802.11 wireless
> network can be set up at low cost in new delhi ?If
> yes, which vendor can
> install it and how much can it cost ,Is it
> affordable for a double storey
> building housing 20 PCs on different floors ? 

I personally do not have any experience in setting up
such a network myself but our university uses the
wireless network for internet access to some of the
major departments. The project does not cover the
whole campus as yet but we are working on that. As far
as feasability under your current setup is concerned,
we have a very dense network of wireless access points
in each building. Each floor gets its own set  of
access points but this is to ensure that there is
connectivity in every  nook and corner of the
building. Depending on the size of the complex you
want to provide Wireless networking capabilities to,
you might have to invest in higher number of Access

As far as Vendor's are concerned I am not even sure if
the 802.11b frequency spectrum was open for public use
in India. I think the Government has regulated that
particular frequency range and does allow use of WiFi
devices. I may be wrong on this, but this is the
information I got 3 months back from the linux-delhi
mailing list. But if it is allowed I would suggest you
go in for Linksys  hardware only. They are at the
forefront  of the whole wireless technology wagon. The
equipment might be expensive but you will get a more
reliable network.

Let me know if there is any way I can help you with
this endeavour. I am not currently in India so I will
not  be able to help you with the setup process but I
can find out about people who might be able to help.

I hope that helps you.


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