Thank you to all who have contributed to this great program. I use Scid vs Pc v4.21 on linux. Here you will find some humble suggestions, none of which are in any way needed or important, just intended as feedback from someone who uses it a lot.

PGN WINDOW: **************
- possibly allow colour of NAGS to also apply to variations via options / checkbox.

ENGINE ANNOTATION: *********** provide option (checkbox ?) to...
- optionally annotate forced moves possibly using appropriate NAG symbol. An 'F' might suffice. - optionally annotate using an 'M' all moves which are machine's first choice move. Not sure there's a NAG symbol for that. (I tend to use the '!' for that.)
- make 'D' NAG symbol annotation optional (I delete mine all manually).
- reduce the number of times one must middle click on annotation window by 1 by providing an option which engine view one wants, the first or the second (for me, the first one seems pointless). - engine could 'remember' how many lines to display at all times, even at startup and after 'Annotate' feature has run. (99% of the time, I want to see 3 variations.)
- not display '327/327' in engine-annotated games.
- state +M3 if white has a mate in 3 and -M3 if black does. (MINUS M3). Or M3 and m3 respectively. - optionally annotate only blunders for white, and only blunders and mistakes for black. Or any such combination. Checkboxes ? - optionally also drop annotation [%draw ?,c6,red] into the pgn if there's a '?' NAG there. - optionally also drop annotation [%draw ??,c6,red] into the pgn if there's a '??' NAG there. (Admittedly there's no such symbol in the Comment editor graphical GUI, but since Tux the penguin has recently made an appearance there, I suspect it could be done !). - optionally also drop annotation [%draw !,c6,red] into the pgn if there's a '!' NAG there. - allow left-clicking on a move in the engine window to add that move to the pgn. - Maybe allow right-clicking on a move in the engine window to add that variation to the pgn after checking for confirmation with user. - optionally provide a summary to head or tail of PGN which gives stats: <SNIP>
0 blunders:
3 mistakes: 5 16 18
5 inaccuracies: 4 7 15 25 40

opponent: 2 blunders: 44 45
3 mistakes: 13 22 40
3 inaccuracies: 4 10 43 <end of SNIP>

(I currently export to PGN, run a shell script (which counts NAG symbols) to produce the above, and drag into the PGN.)

- If there's a 'Save', shouldn't there also be a 'Load'?

MASKS: **************
- When populating Masks from a Base, would it not make sense to provide an option to treat all variations as if they weren't variations? I don't understand Masks fully, I confess, and seem to get all I could ever want, and more, from Trees, but I have done this several times: export Base with variations to PGN | pgn-extract --splitvariants | reimport to base and mask.

TABLEBASE WINDOW?? **************
- could incorporate the new 7-piece syzygy online lookup we see in chessx v1.5.4.0 ?!
- engine could also use that same lookup once <= 7 pieces are on the board.

COMMENT EDITOR WINDOW (graphical): **************
- have 2 colours: one for arrows, and one for the rest. Would be nice to be able to draw a yellow arrow over a red shaded square, for example. - allow for user-defined colors eg. user can make red a less harsh red and suchlike. I was thinking of arrows and shaded squares in particular. - or have 3 colours: one for arrows, one for shading squares, and one for the rest i.e. displaying symbols like '?'.

BOARD WINDOW: **************
- right mouse click for shading a square (slightly less laborious than present implementation, superb as it is).
- right mouse drag for drawing a arrow (as above).
- provide option to change colour of king's square if king is in check or mated. - provide a 'Hint' button (in toolbar alongside 'flip board') which, when clicked, shades or somehow identifies the square of the piece which the currently running engine thinks is the best one to move (but doesn't show to where - that would be too much information ; for that luxury we mere humans don't really deserve we can work and be made to move the mouse all the way over to the engine window to middle click). Maybe this hint button could or should (also?) go into the Engine Window ?!

GAME LIST WINDOW: *************
- provide an extra column called 'Mins' (nice & short) or 'Duration' where can enter 63 or 63 mins for game duration. (Clearly, 'Length' is number of moves.)

- In the spirit of "Autoload Game", each base could have an additional flag which makes it autoflip the board whenever a new game is loaded so that whichever colour is to move plays towards the top, or vice versa. (For those tactics bases.)

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