Thanks for the email. You have some interesting suggestions
though obviously i will not be doing many/any/all :)

One thing i did get inspired to write is a strip nag feature, which
can strip all
or specific nags for a game or range of games... hopefully in the next
month or two.

> ENGINE ANNOTATION: *********** provide option (checkbox ?) to...
> - optionally annotate forced moves possibly using appropriate NAG
> symbol. An 'F' might suffice.

This sounds great, but I have a hunch is far from trivial.
Doing  *any* work to the annotation feature is a PITA actually.
It is a very complicated feature.

> - engine could 'remember' how many lines to display at all times, even
> at startup and after 'Annotate' feature has run. (99% of the time, I

This is already configurable per engine in the engine's UCI configure window
(Multiple variations)

> - not display '327/327' in engine-annotated games.

> - optionally also drop annotation [%draw ?,c6,red] into the pgn if
> there's a '?' NAG there.

Reasonable requests which i will look at.

> - allow left-clicking on a move in the engine window to add that move to
> the pgn.
> - Maybe allow right-clicking on a move in the engine window to add that
> variation to the pgn after checking for confirmation with user.

The current way to add a specific line is to highlight/copy the
variation with the mouse (and maybe type control-c for copy) then
edit->Paste Variation, which is more work, but more powerful.

> SEARCH / MATERIAL/PATTERNS: **************
> - If there's a 'Save', shouldn't there also be a 'Load'?

Main Menu->Search->Load Search File

> MASKS: **************

Haha..  send me a decent maskfile to show me this feature is getting used,
then i will read the rest of your mask suggestion.

> COMMENT EDITOR WINDOW (graphical): **************
> - have 2 colours: one for arrows, and one for the rest. Would be nice to
> be able to draw a yellow arrow over a red shaded square, for example.

Easy to do in the comment editor. Just change the color and add a new
mark. Press "Apply"

> BOARD WINDOW: **************
> - right mouse click for shading a square (slightly less laborious than
> present implementation, superb as it is).

It is too easy to right click the board in error. (especially playing fics/etc).
That is why there are no right-click bindings like this, or backspace
key bindings on the main board.

> GAME LIST WINDOW: *************
> - provide an extra column called 'Mins' (nice & short) or 'Duration'
> where can enter 63 or 63 mins for game duration. (Clearly, 'Length' is
> number of moves.)

hmmm... unfortunately, extending the gamelist in ways like this is not
possible due to implementation.

> - In the spirit of "Autoload Game", each base could have an additional
> flag which makes it autoflip the board whenever a new game is loaded so
> that whichever colour is to move plays towards the top, or vice versa.
> (For those tactics bases.)

Options->My Player Names


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