Just putting up a note - i handled a nasty bug today. Probably it's
not easy to hit, because the features involved - batch stripping of
comments and variations - are fairly destructive and not used
much/at-all on big databases, but on pgn files.

Symptom is, on some nasty "names" , batch stripping will leave the
namebase  / database broken, needing a command line fix with scidt -N.

Technically - the bug is caused by our (inherited) abuse of the pgn
parser to strip comments and variations. so, say a name like
"Kramnik,V" (- no space) will be changed (when reparsed) to "Kramnik,
V. *But* we weren't flushing the namebase file, so if you close the
base without doing a save/flush, the namebase would be broke.

Anyway, we now (in subversion) do a flush with each batch strip, so
the problem is "fixed", cough. Except that nasty names will still be
changed .- another example of which is having embedded quotes in the
name (eg [Event "It "Investbanka""])

I found this bug while writing the Strip notation(s) feature.... which
*doesn't* overload the parser, but is a bit of a hack at the moment :)
though we'll see how it goes.

cheers, S.A

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