Hmmm - just looking back at the mailing list, there have been a few queries
over recent years about an Opening Training feature. Sam was very keen to
get a polished one going.

So - i *did* do a quick and dirty port of SCID's Play->Training->Openings
feature to ScidvsPC with the intention of looking at it... but find that
hasn't happened. :(
(Sorry, but i don't 'do' opening training myself) And now i'm just posting
the patch here in case anyone wants to test it out and give some feedback
on it.

Attached is the patch (against subversion, which includes a Help topic) and
a small DB with some shortened games and marked as of type "Openings for
White". It's Pascals code, and (naturally ;> ) seems a little
confusing/ugly to me.. but i haven't looked at it in any depth. Maybe it
could be made useful with some tweaks ?

So people are welcome to test it out if they are tech savvy enough to apply
the patch... but my hunch is this will just get added to the source code as
a patch for the indefinite future.

And i have to mention a few related things
1. The *Tree window already has a Training button/feature*, which is even
less polished, but also less complicated.
2. I have recently added the ability to "import" lines from the ECO window
into the Play->UCI Game feature's opening list. This is another (and
perhaps the most polished way- as the game handling logic is already in the
Play UCI Game feature) ) to play one's openings... but it is not purely an
'opening trainer'
And 3. Maybe someone could *share an existing opening database* , which
would suffice to test/use this feature better.

thanks, Steven

Attachment: openingtrainer.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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