On 09/28/2017 04:25 AM, Bruce Ferrell wrote:
On 09/27/2017 09:56 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
On 09/27/2017 09:50 PM, Bruce Ferrell wrote:
On 09/27/2017 06:33 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

I have been instructed to use davmail by the university IT who insist that the university use a proprietary Microsoft email service.  Although the service nominally provides IETF SMTP and IMAP compliant access, this access has been unreliable.  I have found the following from http://davmail.sourceforge.net/linuxsetup.html and I have not found a SL 7 davmail RPM.  Does anyone use davmail with SL 7 and Mozilla Thunderbird IMAP and SMTP (my choice for an email client)?  If so,

      Manual setup

Prerequisite: OpenJDK 6 or 7 or Sun JRE 6. Tray icon is now implemented with SWT and compatible with Java 5.

Note: some users reported issues with OpenJDK 6, please upgrade to OpenJDK 7 in this case.

You should first download and install Java, with the graphical package manager or through command line.

Under Ubuntu, launch System/Administration/Synaptic Package Manager, quick search default-jre, mark for installation and click Apply

Or use the following command:

sudo apt-get install default-jre

Download the linux x86 DavMail package from Sourceforge and uncompress it with your favorite tool. The standard package will run natively on x86, to use DavMail on any other hardware platform, replace the SWT with the right one from http://www.eclipse.org/swt/ or use the platform independent package.

On Ubuntu and other Gnome or Kde distributions, just use the desktop launcher. On other distributions, try davmail.sh. You should now see the DavMail gateway icon in the tray :

end excerpt that is followed by examples of the various GUI boxes that one must complete.

Thanks for any assistance.

Yasha Karant

From what you say, you may be using exchange and while davmail may do the job, I used exquilla.  It cost me $10.00/year for the license, but I found it VERY effective in dealing with MS Exchange.

From looking over davmail, it set's up a pop3/imap gateway to mapi mail services.



      *Add-on no longer working* Rated 1 out of 5 stars

by deep-blue <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/user/deep-blue/> on August 2, 2017 · permalink <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/exquilla-exchange-web-services/reviews/900573/>

We use the program for commercial purposes.

There are many problems:

* Bad release management (add-on no longer works)
* Poor support

If there are no significant improvements, we will not extend a license.

End excerpt.

Do you disagree with the above review of exquilla?

Yes I have to disagree with that review.  I I started using the plugin four years ago and stopped about two weeks ago, when the company I work for changed from exchange server to office365 (pop3/imap).  Any time I had a difficulty I opened a support case and received very prompt responses and fixes or explanations.

MAPI/exchange server is a royal pain and the exquilla add-on made it far less so for me.  Your mileage may vary.

From my Tbird configuration for the email server in question: outlook.office365.com

Supposedly, I am using office365 that you indicate is IETF IMAP compliant.  The diagnostic on failure states "authenticated but not connected".  As for later comments in this thread, I too do not like fully integrated clients that also run additional servers (e.g., a RDBMS system) to operate.  It is true that Mozilla has a directory in which it keeps the "data" for email, etc., but this is one directory (and sub-tree thereof) that needs to be copied and restored.

Yasha Karant

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