On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 2:38 AM Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu> wrote:
> I have attempted to mount USB external formatted media on a SL7 system.
> One was a flash drive with a MS format (reported by parted as FAT32);
> the other was a 2 Tbyte hard drive XFS formatted on a different SL7
> system.

/dev/sdg1 would be the first "partition" on the device. "parted -l
/dev/sdg" will report partitions.

There need not to be partitions. It is also possible to write a
filesystem directly on the whole device, which may be the case for
whatever formatted it, in which case it would be on /dev/sdg.

Partition tables are an old, extremely lightweight system written into
a very few blocks at the beginning of the disk for *ancient* disk
controllers. As such, it is *extremely* limited. In fact, by the
standard, a disk can only have 4 partitions: set up some space as
extended partitions, and then a kernel can get fancy and do LVM,
software RAID, etc. There is a byte or two set aside for labeling the
"type" of the partition, but there ae many more types of filesystems
now, so tools like parted cannot really keep up: it's why there is not
an "ext4" option for making partions in parted, and why we typically
use "ext2" for that.

gparted, while a fine and useful tool, is a graphical wrapper for
"parted", and "mkfs" of various flavors. Like many open source GUI's,
it hides options available from the command line. But I'm surprised if
you can't run "parted -l" to get a listing of all the partitions on
all your attached devices that are detected, including "/dev/sdg" if
that is indeed your attached device with data on it.

You know.... I'm wondering if you inadvertently set up volume group
and logical volumes on your drive, activating them with gparted
without even realizing it. What does "pvscan" and "vgscan" say? I
remember that gparted supports those, and if you'd not even installed
the LVM tools on your second system, you wouldn't have those scanning
tools available.

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