I do not know how many on the SL list have subscribed to the quite different Slack list for Rocky EL. Appended below is a very recent post. Note:

We have about 70 people in total all working through the following tasks:
• Management
• Web and branding
• Infrastructure
• Security and compliance
• Packaging
• Autobuilder research: will be moved to secure automated infrastructure
• Installer development
Now we are putting out a call for action. We want to hear from everyone who wants to contribute and be part of Rocky Linux, so we assembled a Google form which will allow us to to start organizing the team at large.

End excerpt.

Both Princeton EL (Springdale) and SL are supported by paid professionals (as is Oracle EL -- unlike Princeton or Fermilab/CERN, Oracle is highly a for-profit operation with the overall goal of profiteering by whatever "legal" means possible -- evidently Oracle EL is not a viable alternative because of what comes after deployment of the "no-fee" version -- the HEP community does not seem to be adopting Oracle EL). I see no real personnel selection criteria or other personnel mechanisms in what I am reading about Rocky EL. Does anyone have further insight into this? An unreliable "bug for bug" port (distro) of RHEL 8 (and follow-on major releases) done by volunteers (some of whom may be professionals, some of whom may not be) seems risky for real production use.

Is the HEP community considering Rocky EL executables as supplied? Or will the HEP community do internal evaluation and testing before deployment, keeping a working distro separate from the vagaries of what may (NOTE: *MAY*, not will) be an amateur volunteer distro?

Take care.  Stay safe.

Yasha Karant

gmk   December 16th at 1:55 PM
@channel This last week has been a rollercoaster, starting with the bad news from RedHat/CentOS about it no longer being a “community” or “enterprise” operating system, to seeing a community grow from nothing to something massive. Again, in just a week, here are some of the notable accomplishments from this amazing team:• Literally thousands of people wanting to help overnight. This is the most engaging and motivated community I’ve seen ever over my more than 20 year career with open source. • The first week was very hard because there were more people asking to help and be part of this initiative than we could organize. Literally at some point, it took me about an hour to go from one side of my Slack messages to another. But now, we’ve built a structure and groups to properly direct the people who want to help to where they can start working.
We have about 70 people in total all working through the following tasks:
• Management
• Web and branding
• Infrastructure
• Security and compliance
• Packaging
• Autobuilder research: will be moved to secure automated infrastructure
• Installer development
Now we are putting out a call for action. We want to hear from everyone who wants to contribute and be part of Rocky Linux, so we assembled a Google form which will allow us to to start organizing the team at large. Please add yourself to the form here:https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_forms_d_e_1FAIpQLSfEXnqD1sNHz9cslkMNOk6krUtDdSCYbxL68TTsn7uGZnoSFQ_viewformThank&d=DwIDaQ&c=gRgGjJ3BkIsb5y6s49QqsA&r=gd8BzeSQcySVxr0gDWSEbN-P-pgDXkdyCtaMqdCgPPdW1cyL5RIpaIYrCn8C5x2A&m=sIC8PmIk2u6UC4wZQWqQgQhB2Rcd7iL_Hwc759C6aXk&s=2BgornCkUTyk6kix31RAwLMVh0MGkFRoJ0wG-OkTPEg&e= you everyone for your patience while we have been setting up the organization itself, and I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

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