After evaluating Cent 8 for a few months - 
The bottom line is that we could not run our linux based cad programs
and it did not have the C shell that a lot of our utilities were written

We decided to can it.  Computer words - low level format the disk.

So why would I even consider downloading a free RHEL 8 that is more of
the same rubish. ????? different label.

Face it RH laid a big Egg and it is very evident that the management
never tried to use it and evaluate it or it would never have been

We upgraded our SL 7.6 to SL 7.9 and our internet connection died.  You
unplug the cable and plug it back in and you see the two lights flicker
for a second and they are turned OFF.  The connection icon says its ON.
but it is not.  Back dated our systems to SL 7.6.   RH also changed EthO
to more jiberish that is difficult to remember.

So effectively SL 7.6 is the end of the road.

We are evaluating Debian at the moment   Since it is a RH derivative we
shall see.

Appreciate the communications - both good and bad.
Sometimes I like to toss a rock into the pond and observe the ripples.

My only wish is that the SL community start a New Linux based on SL 6.9
and erase all the needless junk added to SL 7.5.   Mainly dump the
systemctl crap.   If only expands the number of characters I need to
type to get it done and contributes nothing to operational efficiency -
more bloat ware.

I use VariCad 2D and 3D for drawing to run our 3D printer and CNC
desktop mill to make real parts.  The new version of VariCAD has a Clib
problem and can't find 12 and 17.  The real sad part of it is that the
Clib 23 does not contain all the previous lib versions.  So we had to
forgo our latest update we paid for and can't use.
Makes one want to sign up for Windows 10 another prize piece of
work. :=(  

With RH effectively out of the picture we can not expect developers to
invest in and support Linux applications with out a prime time OS
supporter for stability.   The labs provided the long term stability.

So that leaves the Mac, Win 10, and maybe BSD which is under the hood of
a Mac.

A dark day in the OS world.

Larry Linder

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