On 10/26/21 8:21 AM, Mark Stodola wrote:
I haven't checked in on this in quite some time.  Has there been a clear preference to Rocky over Alma thus far?  I know I intend to use one or the other, but would be curious to know the direction of the wind among the scientific community.

First, I want to make it clear that I'm heavily involved with Rocky and thus biased. :-)

I don't think there is a "winner". I think it is great we have two options replacing CentOS. I've got nothing against Alma. However, I don't know what kind of HPC/Scientific community it has so I can't comment there.

But I do know that Rocky already has a lot of strong support in the scientific and HPC world and it's growing. I know of some /really/ big systems running Rocky already with more planned. I know a few have some announcements planned for SuperComputing this year and I don't want to steal their thunder. :-) If you are interested in more information, you can create an account at chat.rockylinux.org and then add the SIG/HPC channel to chat with a lot of people in the Rocky HPC community.

Happy computing!

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