Am 28.10.21 um 18:09 schrieb Andrew C Aitchison:
On Thu, 28 Oct 2021, Götz Waschk wrote:

Am 28.10.21 um 15:41 schrieb Troy Dawson:

On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 4:56 AM Götz Waschk < <>> wrote:

    Am 26.10.21 um 04:27 schrieb Patrick J. LoPresti:
     > On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 5:45 PM Nico Kadel-Garcia
    < <>
     > < <>>> wrote:
     >  >
     >  > It's getting harder.
     > Singularity containers for CentOS 8 (and latest Ubuntu etc.) work
     > on SL7, for now. Of course this is not a long-term solution, since
     > "kernel too old" will surely crop up eventually.
    I just like to add that this has already happened to me with an Ubuntu
    20.04 LTS container running on

    [wgs34:U20] ~ % gnuplot-qt
    gnuplot-qt: error while loading shared libraries:
    cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
         ...        snip        ...
That doesn't have much to do with the container running on SL7, and more that your gnuplot-qt was compiled on a different qt5 than is in the container.

Without more details I couldn't exactly say more than make sure your gnuplot-qt and qt5 libraries in yoru container are up to date.

Hi Troy,

it is related to the SL7 kernel. The container contains a standard Ubuntu 20.04 LTS installation with the default gnuplot package. The problem disappears when I run the same singularity container on AlmaLinux 8.4 or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

The practice of containers seems to be to make them fast and lightweight by using host libraries as much as possible, which is not compatible with

This problem is not caused by what I would call "the SL7 kernel".
Have containers hijacked the word "kernel" to mean something like
"the assumed base system including common libraries" ?

Dear Andrew,
while it is possible to bind-mount libraries into a singularity container, this didn't happen here.

To proof that it depends on the kernel, I have installed the Oracle UEK kernel on my test machine:

# uname -r
# cat /etc/redhat-release
Scientific Linux release 7.9 (Nitrogen)
# singularity exec U20.img gnuplot-qt

        G N U P L O T
        Version 5.2 patchlevel 8    last modified 2019-12-01

        Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2019
        Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others

        gnuplot home:
        faq, bugs, etc:   type "help FAQ"
        immediate help:   type "help"  (plot window: hit 'h')

Terminal type is now 'qt'

So somehow the dynamic linker of Ubuntu 20.04 has a kernel dependency that isn't satisfied by good old 3.10.0-1160.
Götz Waschk                            ° Phone:  +49 33762 77169
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY  ° E-Mail:
Platanenallee 6
15738 Zeuthen Germany

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