The solution:

Make a bootable usb flash on widnows 10 laptop and it works.  The
application sees that a couple of files are missing from Alma 8.5 and
adds them.

If you use "dd" it only copies what it sees.  I tried several other
Linux distribution using "dd" and they all work.

Compaing the unbootable usb flash of alma 8.5 .iso and other bootablke
usb flash insatalls you can see what is missing.

Once we got past the first layer of the onion and got alma installed by
disconnecting all drives but the install drive - it worked.   However
the structure is not compatible with what we need to do.
GNOME is worse that a moronic.
We tried another desk top and could do very little.

We showed the Alma 8.5 system to the boss and all the guys.  The comment
from the shop forman was that if he had to use pile of shit he was going
to quit. 

So when you become "x" as super user with a password of "x" we loaded a
number of our 3 d Cad, Circuit Layout, and our spice program.  We were
never able to get anything to run.  It just says it "cant find file".
They have done away with the command line to run an executable program
or script.

A third install with 3 disks installed.  We tried to load it with the
"std Partition" and a "custom install"  After two days of working on it,
we give up - its hopelessly broken.   Nice piece of work IBM - if it
compiles just ship it - no testing required.  Thank god they don't work
on aircraft engines.

At the end of the demo.  The boss handed me check for 6,000 to go get a
couple of Macs to try..

New Paragraph:

We tried a number of new linux releases, for example Devian without
systemd.   The security at install was so bad we were never able to
install it and make it work.

The Linux community's decision to cancel "root" is the dumbest Idea I
have ever experienced.  If you have another account with root priveladge
- what is the point.  If its hacked the same result.

The linux community has made Linus essentually useless from an
engineering point of view.  They have made a step right one to the left
and 100 paces backward.  The developers should examine Windows 2000 Pro.
OS/2, and windows 7 to find out how simple suff works.  The developers
are foxused on visual quirks and wierd art and not on improving the
product.  If I were grading them on a scale of A to F they have overshot
the F and they deserve and M.

No one would trust IBM to not pull the plug on Linux as they did IBM
dos, OS/2, Cent, SL and leave developers and users holding the bag.  RH
Linux is basically dead.

There are two words in the English Language that describe RH and its

It is a "nugatory contrivance". 

What are we going to do fro an OS to run a small engineering /
manufacturing company.   We will still use SL 6.5 that still supports 32
bit application, and up date it to 6.10.  Continue to update libs as
necessary to make things work.  We all realise that this a dead end, but
it buys us time and its running out.

Hate be be a complainer but this is getting too close the "J?W" axis
from my point of view.

Larry Linder

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