[EXTERNAL] – This message is from an external sender

Since 2024-03-24 (5 days ago) there's been an uptick in issues when trying to 
rsync off this URI:


This is the error we're getting

Error message:
@ERROR: max connections (150) reached -- try again later
rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1656) 

The various looking around I've done seems to point to stuck connections in 
some capacity, but I'm unsure whether this is a problem on our side (client) or 
if it's an issue with scientificlinux only being able to handle 150 concurrent 
connections on the rsync port.

Am I alone in being the only person to see this issue start in the last week?  
We've been syncing the repository since at least 2013.  Issues like this come 
up sporadically, but in the last 22 syncs since the 24th, this issue has 
happened 13 times of of the 22.  The other times, our since finished in about 1 
min or two.

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