On 04/15/2014 03:19 PM, zxq9 wrote:
On Tuesday 15 April 2014 15:06:04 ToddAndMargo wrote:
On 04/15/2014 02:48 PM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:
The only way you get details on thing like pending release dates from
Red Hat is if you sign and NDA and even then its only an estimate not a
hard date.
Plus since they make you sign an NDA you can't share the info with any

And, plus if you are late and right, the customer will
forgive you.  But, if you on time and wrong, the customer
will never forgive you.

But if you're late and wrong, you can become unstoppable.[1]

[1] http://www.microsoft.com

Hi zxq9,

I see customer after customer that should be on Linux, but
can't because they need this or that application that only
runs in Windows.

Here is what you guys are missing by running Linux.  This
is yesterday's junkware infection I got to remove:

Browser Infrastructure Helper, Browser Safeguard, Media
Finder, Optomizer Pro, PC Fix Speed,VT Downloader,
Boost-Interprocess, Save Sensititive, Strong Vault,
Sys Tweek, Win Cert, My Search Dial, PC Health Kit,
Price Gong, Smart Bar, Advanced System Protect,
Ask Toolbar, and at this point I got tired of writing
them down.

And these guys have started to use virus techniques
to reinstall themselves.

And, oh please don't tell me it is because Linux is
"obscure".  It is because Windows is "sloppy".  It should
prompt for the admin password before installing, like Linux,
OSx, iOS.  And not default set up a user account with Admin
privileges.  (That should not be a possibility.)

But, if they have to have their stinkin' QuickBooks ...


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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