Hi Tracey:
Here are my favorite quotes. As you can see  most of them are religious... I've always liked the numinous. Guess that's why I got into spec-fic...where spirituality and creativity and wonder meet. -C
"If I've told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will it be when I tell you about heavenly things?"  Jesus
No, rather it would the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red. Shakepeare, Macbeth
I am often amazed by how unamazed people are by their own evil. -- Blaise Pascal
There are reason for believing that reasons know nothing of. -- Blaise Pascal
Joy is the serious business of heaven -- C S Lewis
And he said, "who shall go for us? And whom shall I send?" Then said I, "Here am I; send me." Isaiah, Bible
"Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference, which is an elegant name for ignorance." G K Chesterton. 
The greatest offense of Christianity is that it tells us that it tells us that --for all we say and do-- we do not like goodness and if we were to get our hands on God, we would kill him. -- Soren Kierkegaard
"Oh to have seen what I have seen, see what I see." Shakespeare, Hamlet
"My attitude toward progress has passed from antagonism to boredom. I have long ceased to argue with people who prefer Thursday to Wednesday because it is Thursday." - G K Chesterton.
"To God I still exist." The last line of the Incredible shrinking man.
"And there was suddenly in the world a small place for me." Flirting
"These are the days when the Christian is expected to praise every creed except his own." G K Chesterton
"God is not neutral, God is biased." Archbishop Desmond Tutu
"We are not asked to believe in our belief, we are asked to believe God." - St Augustine
"All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well." St Julian of Norwich.
"All science, even the divine science, is a sublime detective story. Only it is not set to detect why a man is dead; but the darker secret of why he is alive." G K Chesterton
"Love has pitched His tent in the place of excrement" W B Yeats.
"Nor mouth had -- no, nor mind expressed-- what heart heard of, ghost guessed." Gerard Manley Hopkins.
"There is a loving heart at the center of things." Browning.
"Billions of consciousnesses silting history full, each of them the center of the universe." John Updike.
"I'm almosting it." James Joyce.

"....several things dovetailed in my mind, & at once it struck me, what quality went to form a Man of Achievement especially in Literature  â I mean NEGATIVE CAPABILITY, that is when man is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason â " ~John Keats


Carole McDonnell
"If I've told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will it be when I tell you about heavenly things?"
Let the weak say I'm strong.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.

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