It could be that the article is by someone trying to pay his bills?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:          Lots of good stuff on the list, but I have 
some quibbles:

(1) How in the world could they leave the robot from "Lost in Space" off the 
list, yet include the robot spiders from the "Lost in Space" movie?? There's 
not an original or uinque thing in the world about those robot spiders! 
(2) I'm not sure I'd call the Sentinels from the Matrix films robots, as 
they're computer programs, not mechanical men. 
(3) For the Cylons from Battlestar Galactica, I assume they're talking about 
the original shiny ones, not the humanoid cyborgs of late? 
(4) And what in the world is so special to earn the battle 'droids or droideka 
droids from Star Wars spots on this list? They're completely forgettable.
(5) Speaking of Star Wars 'droids, it's ridiculous to put the droideka droids, 
the Evil Bill and Ted, and the freakin' car Kitt from "Knightrider" ahead of 
Maria from the classic film "Metropolis", which is listed way down at number 
38! Who was smoking crack to make that decision??
(6) The line can be fine for humanoid constructs, but I wouldn't characterize 
Data as a "robot", but an "android". 
(7) Kitt in the top three??? That must be some potent crack! 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Brent Wodehouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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