Yeah but the Black Male criminal that can put his hand through your head?
That's pretty new. I think it would be interesting to have a "Punisher" type
brother in this series. A dude who isn't really BAD, just mad as hell.


> I'd rather have him as a hero. the Black male criminal angle gets a bit old...
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
>> I read somewhere that he might not be dead and that he was returning as
>> a bad guy. Don't know how true that is. The show is meandering so
>> much, I can not tell
>>> i'm still reeling that they killed off the Brother from last season...
>>> -------------- Original message --------------
>>> From: "B. Smith"
>>> This is what I said on another forum about the Heroes version of my
>>> hometown, New Orleans.
>>> "And the winner for worst New Orleans depiction ever: Heroes.
>>> Apparently they thought LA could stand in for New Orleans with no
>>> modifications. 
>>> Fool? No one in New Orleans says fool as in "break yourself fool!"
>>> Where the hell did that come from? 1991 California?
>>> The accents make K-Ville cound pitch perfect. Where was that white
>>> chick supposed to be from? The Missiissippi or Alabama Gulf Coast?
>>> And how in the post-Katrina world how could they not know that
>>> Louisiana doesn't have counties? It's called a parish."
>>> The latest episode just got worse. The architecture and sets are so
>>> wrong, the police uniforms are nowhere near right, the accents (the
>>> horror, the horror), kids playing double dutch a place that looked
>>> more New York than New Orleans and on and on.
>>> I do like Micah's cousin aka the Taskmistress. She has a cool
>>> powerset. Hopefully we get more of her and less diversions into
>>> ancient Japan. That is such a convoluted mess.
>>> That was a nice swerve with Parkman's dad.
>>> --- In, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly
>>> Tracey L. Minor)" wrote:
>>>> I agree totally. The thrill is gone. and to make matters worse,
>>> every 
>>>> week they bring out even more characters. its so disappointing. I
>>> keep 
>>>> hoping it gets better. my husband stopped watching totally. They
>>> are 
>>>> really blowing it
>>>> ravenadal wrote:
>>>>> Heroes (Heroes (Season 2))
>>>>> C+ 
>>>>> Here's hoping NBC's drama can rescue itself from a diabolical
>>>>> sophomore slump
>>>>> By Gillian Flynn
>>>>> This week on Heroes: Claire (Hayden Panettiere) continues to
>>> marvel 
>>>>> at the same powers of regeneration she's always had! Hiro (Masi
>>> Oka) 
>>>>> does cute things in feudal Japan! And after a journey of
>>>>> approximately 42 million miles from one vague part of Central
>>> America 
>>>>> to another vague part of Central America, our new, haplessly
>>>>> murderous hero Maya (The Sopranos' Dania Ramirez) is still
>>> blubbering 
>>>>> for her twin brother (Shalim Ortiz) and bleeding black goo from
>>> her 
>>>>> eyes! Wait, which week is this? Every week.
>>>>> NBC's once-inventive series is in a creative sinkhole. Frenetic
>>> but 
>>>>> bizarrely repetitive, the drama bores from myriad worldwide
>>> locales 
>>>>> that all look like the backlot of M*A*S*H. Season 2 sees previous
>>>>> standout heroes â€" unkillable Claire, time-freezing Hiro â€"
>>> gone solo 
>>>>> in their own painful, stagnant story lines. Claire is living
>>>>> undercover in California, her now saintlike dad (Jack Coleman)
>>>>> repeatedly warning her not to be interesting. Mission
>>> accomplished! 
>>>>> Claire's been saddled with a laser-eyed beau (Rocket Science's
>>>>> Nicholas D'Agosto) who also has powers â€" he can fly, with the
>>> aid of 
>>>>> mediocre special effects. (The writers think we should be dazzled
>>> by 
>>>>> this ''flying'' business, forgetting that people took to the air
>>>>> repeatedly last season.) In an even more labored plot, Hiro has
>>>>> landed in 17th-century Japan, where he finds his idol, the samurai
>>>>> Kensei (Alias' David Anders), and falls in love with an
>>>>> anachronistically spunky heroine (a must in the time-travel
>>> genre). 
>>>>> That's right, Hiro â€" the most neutered TV character since
>>> Screech â€" 
>>>>> is remaining in feudal Japan to ogle a babe. Stripped of any
>>> genuine 
>>>>> mission, he now has little to do but smile like an adorable, gassy
>>>>> baby. It's increasingly unbearable.
>>>>> Which is a good phrase to describe Heroes itself. With its larger
>>>>> mythology shunted to the side (no, a mysterious recurring symbol
>>> doth 
>>>>> not a uniting backstory make), Heroes feels less like Heroes than
>>> a 
>>>>> horrid combination of T.J. Hooker and Charlie's Angels: Peter
>>>>> Petrelli (Milo Ventimiglia) commits holdups in Ireland; another
>>>>> extraneous new hero, New Orleanian Monica (The Nine's Dana Davis)
>>> is 
>>>>> roundhouse-kicking robbers; serial-killing Sylar (Zachary Quinto)
>>> has 
>>>>> gone fugitive with the weeping twins. What happened to...saving
>>> the 
>>>>> planet? Like the endangered Earth that's oft alluded to, Heroes is
>>>>> degrading at a remarkable pace: The dialogue has gone from comic-
>>> book 
>>>>> cool to Dick-and-Jane obvious, the stylistic angles have turned
>>> flat, 
>>>>> entire scenes are devoted to Suresh (Sendhil Ramamurthy) and
>>> Parkman 
>>>>> (Greg Grunberg) bickering around their shared apartment like
>>> maiden 
>>>>> aunts. It's a sad day for superheroes when you find yourself
>>> actually 
>>>>> rooting for the end of the world. C-
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