Keith, odds are I was wiped off that list a long time ago, with all of the 
run-ins I've had with the FBI and HomeInsec. I'm keeping this e-mail, because I 
don't think I've ever mentioned the tale of my cross with HomeInsec, and I'm 
pressed for time right now. Within two days, I promise. And I may scare folks 
away from ever using their PCs again by the time I'm done...

--- On Tue, 8/26/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 10:24 PM

oh, so you're just *now* proud to be an American? Well, one more name to 
scratch off the list of eligible Presidential candidates. (And don't feel 
lonely: my e-mails to this group alone would ban me from running for Prez for 
this and several other lives!)
------------ -- Original message ------------ -- 
From: Martin <truthseeker_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com> 

I believe that it was. After hearing that, now I *am* proud to be an American. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Tue, 8/26/08, KeithBJohnson@ <KeithBJohnson@> 

From: KeithBJohnson@ <KeithBJohnson@>
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 11:43 AM

Amen, Brother! I also got misty-eyed when Michelle Obama was preceeded by that 
fine video retrospective, narrated by her mother's tremulous voice.  Did I hear 
it was produced by Ken Burns?
------------ -- Original message ------------ -- 
From: Martin <truthseeker_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com> 

And, on an entirely serious note, I admit freely that I cried like a newborn 
during Senator Kennedy's speech. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Mon, 8/25/08, KeithBJohnson@ <KeithBJohnson@> 

From: KeithBJohnson@ <KeithBJohnson@>
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?
Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 11:25 PM

We had the same experience, then. I was on CNN, went into the kitchen, realized 
Obama's sister wasn't being covered, and also, caught Carter's interview on 
PBS. That sold me. I've been increasingly dissatisfied with most news channels 
recently, populated as they are with large panels of analysts who have to shout 
over each other to get their five seconds' worth of TV time. PBS is 
intelligent, concise, and feels so much more relaxing. What a wonder not to 
suffer through people shouting over each other!
------------ -- Original message ------------ -- 
From: "ravenadal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> 

I started with CNN on the HD TV. But when I went into the kitchen to
prepare my dinner, and didn't find the convention on any of the
network channels, I turned to PBS and stayed with PBS the rest of the
evening. No commercials, intelligent, concise commentary, and an
interview with Jimmy Carter, the greatest ex-president of all time, it
don't get much better than that!

Truly enjoyed the whole Michelle Obama segment from the video about
her mother and father to her brother's introduction through her
bringing her "elegant and delightful" daughters up on stage to Obama
congratulating her via videotape. 


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], KeithBJohnson@ ... wrote:
> What station are you watching to cover the Democratic National
Convention? As usual, I started out with CNN, but frankly that
station's been disappointing me recently. Mayb
 e it started when t hey
started hiring the likes of Pat Buchanan for equal time. Maybe it's
the Glenn Becks and other shrill loudmouths they brought on to answer
the call of Fox's shrill loudmouths. Maybe it's that all the anchors
and hosts have to pimp themselves out by saying "the best political
team on television" all the time; again, in homage to Fox. Or maybe
it's just the fact that I'm tired of the same old group of people
talking all the time. Whatever. I just noticed that everytime I turned
to CNN, Wolf Blitzer or Anderson Cooper or someone was yammering on
about polls and strategies, pulling out the fancy electronic maps and
fancy computer tricks, while in the background stuff was going on I
wanted to *see*. I was really upset when Obama's sister spoke and CNN
focused on Wolf Blitzer, while her voice co
> uld barely be heard in the background. Then Wolf threw out "the Best
Political Team on Television" and they cut to commercia
l .
> So, as I f ind myself doing more and more recently, I turned to PBS
and Jim Lehrer's group. There I got to see Obama's sister speak in
entirety. I got professional, level-headed analysis by professional
people, without shouting, loudtalking and posing for the camera. I got
to listen to analysts actually get more than "hurry up you have five
seconds before we go to commercial", and actually get time to talk in
full conversations, without being rushed. I got intelligence with
PBS, while my beloved CNN gave me more surface and posturing. So it's
PBS that'll be my source for the rest of the DNC this week.
> What are you using for your source?






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