I guess it depends on where you are, Reece. In my neck of the woods, early 
voting meant as much as a six-hour wait, and the addition of lengthy walks to 
get to the polling places, because many of the locations wouldn't allow voters 
to park on site. I waited until today, drove up to within a hundred yards of 
the entrance (drove only because my mother was with me and couldn't walk the 
one block up the hill from our house to the polling place)), and waited about 
the hour and a half before I voting. Wish I'd paid more attention, but My 
Cousin Rachel is a really good read...

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Obama Vs. McCain In 10 Sci-Fi Movies

 Date : Tue, 4 Nov 2008 21:17:20 +0000


 To : "SciFi2" <scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com>

Early voting must be nice!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&amp;T

-----Original Message-----

Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2008 18:29:30 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Obama Vs. McCain In 10 Sci-Fi Movies

Voted early last Friday here in the ATL...

-------------- Original message -------------- 
Anybody else at the polls yet?
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From: "Tracey de Morsella" 
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 12:50:37 -0800
To: ; 'Albert Fields'; ; CINQUE; 'Cleo'; ; ; ; 'Kai Pettaway'; ; ; 'Kera'; ; 
'Michael Gordon'; ; ; 'Seku Brathwaite'; 'Valery Jean'; 'Wendell Theophilus 
Smith'; 'Whitney J Evans'; 
CC: ; 'Glenn Sigler'; ; ; 'paul demorsella'; 'Chris de Morsella'; Aradia 
\(Rae\) Corenti
Subject: [scifinoir2] Obama Vs. McCain In 10 Sci-Fi Movies

Obama Vs. McCain In 10 Sci-Fi Movies

My fellow Americans, science fiction has anticipated our current national 
dilemma: forever wars, economic collapse, mutant zombies running in the 

Since we're already facing a bunch of science fictional scenarios made real, 
which candidate would best handle the real tests facing the nation: Democrat 
Barack Obama or Republican John McCain?

"Change You Can Believe in" is great, so long as abominations from the hollow 
earth aren't trying to change your very DNA, and putting "Country First" might 
not be enough when the whole damned species is threatened by lizard-faced 
extra-dimensional organ harvesters.

Take the following scenarios from SF movies:

1. The Movie: Escape From New York. 

The President: Donald Pleasence. 

The Crisis: With all of Manhattan turned into a maximum-security federal 
prison, a Patty Hearst-like teenybopper Tania take-off terrorist seizes Air 
Force One and crashes it into Midtown, where the Prez is taken hostage by a 
gang of convicts led by the voice of Chef himself, Isaac Hayes!

Candidate best suited for the crisis: Obama
As a former community organizer, he's got a track record in difficult urban 
settings in which times are tough; even though Hayes' predecessor as the boss 
of New York, Rudy Giuliani, might diss it, this is valuable experience! And hey 
... if you listen to certain talk-radio ranters, Obama really knows how to talk 
to domestic terrorists in really "palsy-walsy" terms! It might make it easier 
for Obama to get the New York State vote, but with 8 million votes in Manhattan 
negated (felons can't vote in New York State), those 31 electoral votes might 
get trimmed down some.

2. The Movie: Superman II.

The President: E.G. Marshall.

The Crisis: Phantom Zone escapees Ursa, Non and General Zod use their 
incredible superpowers to subdue the "Planet Houston" (OK ... "Earth"), raiding 
the White House and forcing a comically toupee'd president (whose rug makes Joe 
Biden's hair plugs look as natural as Fabio's mane) to kneel before Zod and 
swear fealty to the Kryptonian criminal.

Candidate best suited for the crisis: McCain
His "Secure Borders" policy would apply to Kryptonians, too (even though if he 
extended it to include Smallville, Kan., he might alienate Sen. Brownback and 
lose six electoral votes in the process). 'Sides, ... who wouldn't want to see 
a catfight between Ursa and Palin (under whose jurisdiction Superman's Fortress 
of Solitude would fall, assuming it's not on federal land)?

3. The Movie: Independence Day.

The President: Bill Pullman. 

The Crisis: A bunch of really nasty and hostile aliens take a page from 
Clarke's Childhood's End and make it real as they park giant spacecraft over 
the world's cities and proceed to blow them up. A ragtag bunch of refugees must 
rise up and fight the invaders.

Candidate best suited for the crisis: McCain
At the climax, President Pullman clambers into a fighter jet and joins an 
assault on the aliens. Well, we know who's got the edge there, don't we, even 
though he might be a little rusty after 40 or so years? The crisis forces the 
Prez to nuke Houston, so that's 34 electoral votes from Texas vaporized into 
shiny, shiny fallout.

4. The Movie: Fail Safe. 

The President: Henry Fonda. 

The Crisis: Six Vindicator bombers are screeching their way into Russia. Having 
gone past their "fail safe" points, they can't be recalled, so the Prez must 
get on the Moscow hotline (along with translator Larry Hagman) to help the 
Soviets bring down the squadron before Moscow is nuked to glowing rubble while 
a hawkish academic named Professor Groeteschele (Walter Matthau) offers tips on 
how to use this SNAFU to end the Russkies once and for all.

Candidate best suited for the crisis: Obama
As the character Professor Groeteschele is partly based on Henry Kissinger (and 
also on RAND Corp. bigwig and On Escalation author Herman Kahn), Obama would 
provide some balance to the situation.

5. The Movie: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the 

The President: Peter Sellers. 

The Crisis: Rogue general Jack D. Ripper thinks his impotence is caused by the 
damned Commies' putting fluoride in the water, thus polluting his "purity of 
essence." The only reasonable thing to do in such a situation is seize control 
of a nuke-laden bomber wing and make the Russkies pay. President Merkin Muffley 
must assemble his top advisors, including the mysterious Dr. Strangelove, in 
the War Room to deal with the situation.

Candidate best suited for the crisis: McCain
As Dr. Strangelove is partly based on Henry Kissinger (along with physicist 
Edward Teller), and Dr. Hank himself has endorsed McCain, McCain would know how 
to talk to the guy.

6. The Movie(s): the X-Men films. 

The President(s): Cotter Smith, Josef Sommer. 

The Crisis: Increases in the number of mutants with superpowers, some under the 
leadership of Magneto, are out to advance the mutant cause at the expense of 
normal Americans.

Candidate best suited to handle the crisis: Obama
McCain, speaking at the advocacy group The Discovery Institute last year, 
courted creationists as part of his base, so he threatens to alienate some of 
his supporters by addressing mutation at all, which could be seen as an 
endorsement of the theory of evolution.

7. The Movie: Mars Attacks! 

The President: Jack Nicholson. 

The Crisis: A bunch of flying saucers from Mars go all "Ray Harryhausen" on the 
U.S., attacking landmarks like the Washington Monument and the Vegas Strip.

Candidate best suited to handle the crisis: McCain
With regard to dealing with the fining of aliensin the U.S.--which some critics 
called "amnesty"--McCain said: "It is no more amnesty than I am a Martian!" 
This is clear indication that he's prepared to deal with domestic issues in 
extraterrestrial terms.

8. The Movie: Escape From L.A.

The President: Cliff Robertson. 

The Crisis: After an earthquake has turned Los Angeles into an island prison 
bordered by what is now the "San Fernando Sea," a Che Guevara knock-off 
"Manchurian Candidates" the President's daughter--through groovy Peter Max 
holograms sent to her via the Internet--and compels her to come to L.A. as his 
love bunny. As the First Daughter just happens to have the codes that will 
activate a superweapon capable of sending human culture back into the Stone 
Age, this is more dire than the Bush twins running off for a weekend.

Candidate best suited to handle the crisis: Obama
McCain/Palin's "Real America" rhetoric seems to exclude the Left Coast, despite 
the 55 big, fat, juicy electoral votes in California.

9. The Movie: The Simpsons Movie. 

The President: Arnold Schwarzenegger (voiced by Harry Shearer). 

The Crisis: After Homer contaminates Lake Springfield with a big canister of 
pig poop--a catastrophe that leads to a pretty dramatic squirrel mutation--the 
EPA places all of Springfield under a Logan's Run-like giant glass dome to 
contain the crisis.

Candidate best suited to handle the crisis: McCain
It's a maverick-y move to put a town under a giant glass dome, and over the 
course of the movie the Simpsons escape the dome via a Florida-like sinkhole, 
escape to Alaska and return to Springfield once they see an ad selling a 
soon-to-be-bombed Springfield as the next Arizona-like Grand Canyon. With three 
such crucial states in play by implication, McCain had better be on the ball 
with this sitch.

10. The Movie: Idiocracy.

The President: Terry Crews. 

The Crisis: In this riff on C.M. Kornbluth's "The Marching Morons," the 
propensity of dumb people to breed like, ... well, ... dumb people has resulted 
500 years later in a country of idiots living amid miles-high towers of 
garbage. The crops are failing because they are being irrigated with a 
Gatorade-like "thirst mutilator" drink rather than water, and the economy is 

Candidate best suited to handle the crisis: Obama
Central to Idiocracyis a trial in which Joe Bauers--a regular schmuck in our 
time who is put into suspended animation and awakens in the future as the 
smartest man in the world--is put on trial for not paying his hospital bill via 
a barcode tattoo. Unlike Idiocracy's President Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert 
Camacho--whose qualifications to be Commander in Chief include being a former 
porn star and Ultimate Smackdown Champion--Obama is a lawyer and could have a 
pretty good handle on things without blurring the executive, legislative and 
judicial branches too much.

Who's the best SF president? It's a tie. The final vote is up to you on Nov. 4! 
--Michael Marano

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