That's just awesome. :D :D
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On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Keith Johnson <>wrote:

>  Well! Old Queenie showed little emotion and showed Michelle some love!
> What a funny world when a handshake or arm put around another person is big
> news!   The best I've ever seen though, was way back in the late '80s or
> early '90s when the Queen came to the US.  She was meeting some regular
> folk-I want to say it was back in Dallas--and an older black woman grabbed
> Elizabeth and gave her a big hug! It was great: just like you'd expect from
> your aunt or grandma. Talk about a meeting of cultures.
> And I will say, it is reasons like this why it's important for people of
> color to be in positions of power. Not that the Obama's are nothing more
> than their skin--they're both accomplished and admirable way beyond that.
> But when was the last time a black ballet troupe in London was rolled out to
> entertain dignitaries? The Alvin Ailey group and Sweet Honey in the Rock
> have already performed at the White House for the Obamas, which is cool.
> What a great opportunity to showcase even more the culture and
> accomplishments of Africans wherever we may be.
> And funny, they say the press has lost interest in Carla Bruni--and
> Michelle Obama didn't even have to take her clothes off or cut an album to
> get attention!
> ***************************************************************************
> AP News
> LONDON — Michelle Obama has done what few others have managed — getting
> Queen Elizabeth II to break protocol. The first lady arrived Wednesday with
> President Barack Obama. After separate meetings on the eve of the G-20
> summit, the couple attended an evening reception for world leaders hosted by
> the queen.
> Mrs. Obama clearly made an impression with the 82-year-old monarch — so
> much that the smiling queen strayed from protocol and put her arm around the
> first lady in a rare public show of affection.
> It was the first time Mrs. Obama — who is nearly a foot taller — had met
> the queen. The first lady also embraced her.
> A Buckingham Palace spokesman who asked not to be identified because of
> palace policy said he could not remember the last time that the queen had
> displayed such public affection with a first lady or dignitary.
> "It was a mutual and spontaneous display of affection," he said. "We don't
> issue instructions on not touching the queen."
> When the former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating put his arm around
> the queen in 1992, the tabloids dubbed him the "Lizard of Oz." When his
> successor, John Howard, was accused of doing the same, a spokesman insisted:
> "We firmly deny that there was any contact whatsoever." In 2007, President
> Bush gave the queen a sly wink during a visit she paid to the United States.
> The Daily Mail said the "two women clearly took to each other."
> Wednesday's reception was followed by a dinner at Prime Minister Gordon
> Brown's Downing Street home, where the leaders' spouses were joined by
> notable British women, including "Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling and
> Olympic gold medal runner Kelly Holmes.
> "Michelle walks in and she is as she seems," Holmes told reporters
> Thursday. "So warm, engaging, a beautiful, beautiful lady — and I quickly
> got my photo in the middle of her and Sarah Brown," the prime minister's
> wife.
> Mrs. Obama also seemed to win over the often feral British press.
> The last time a first lady made such a hit in Britain was last year with
> French President Nicolas Sarkozy's wife, the former fashion model wife and
> songwriter Carla Bruni. But on Thursday, London's Times newspaper wrote
> "Carla who?"
> The BBC described Mrs. Obama as her husband's co-star rather than
> supporting act — appropriate for a Harvard-educated lawyer.
> "She seems to be a good role model," said onlooker Rebecca Smith, who
> waited outside Buckingham Palace Wednesday to catch a glimpse of the Obamas.
> "A strong, intelligent woman, I think she'll go down very well here," Smith
> told the BBC. "Michelle Obama has a strong aura about her, a bit like
> Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis."
> Mrs. Obama attended a rehearsal at the Royal Opera House on Thursday with
> the other spouses and guests. The program included music by Handel and a
> dance performance by Ballet Black, a troupe set up to give performing
> opportunities to black and Asian classical dancers.
> Wearing a bright blue dress by Jason Wu — who designed her inauguration
> gown — Mrs. Obama posed for photographs with Sarah Brown, Therese Rein, wife
> of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso's
> wife Chikako Aso, and Laureen Harper, who is married to Canadian Prime
> Minister Stephen Harper, on the stage of the opera house.
> Mrs. Obama had other events in London planned for later Thursday. She
> visited a cancer center with other spouses Wednesday.

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