Remember "Save the cheerleader. Save the world"? It was Heroes' first
season, and and people loved it. More than 16 million of them. I was one of
those people, and Heroes could do no wrong in that first season. 

Well, I would have liked a bit more of a battle to save New York in the
finale between the heroes and Sylar, but you can't have everything.

Edgar (Ray Park) prepares to face off against one of the Heroes regulars.

After watching the fourth-season premiere of "Volume Five: Redemption," I
realized the roller-coaster ride the Heroes' writers have put me on. I mean,
think back where the show first really went wrong, in "Volume Two:
Generations" with the long trip from Mexico with the annoying
brother-and-sister team, Alejandro and Maya. I have to admit I wanted Sylar
to kill them both. And I barely remember Monica, the New Orleans chick who
could mimic people's actions perfectly. Hiro got stuck in the past, and
Peter forgot who he was.

And I didn't really care about the Shanti virus story. A virus is just not
as cool as the thought of blowing up New York. I think we all thought it was
a good idea to take a break thanks to the writers' strike that year and
completely avoid the planned third volume, "Exodus," which would have dealt
with the virus.

But then I got excited again in season three. I mean, a volume called
"Villains" with Sylar back in real form sounded great. Imagine the
possibilities. There was a new Bigger Bad, and it was Nathan and Peter's own
dad, Arthur. And for a little while I loved it all over again. Although it
was a little creepy when future Claire told future Peter that she'd always
loved him. She's his niece, for Pete's sake.

Somewhere along the way, though, during "Villains," Heroes stopped feeling
like it was about real superheroes. It's not that the writers didn't try,
but the magic from season one never quite returned. And when Nathan suddenly
turned against his own and became the bad guy for "Volume Four: Fugitives,"
I realized Heroes had completely gone off the rails again. What were they
thinking turning Nathan into the bad guy? Seriously!

There were moments in "Fugitives" I liked, and I have to admit the ending
with Sylar killing Nathan and then being forced to become him by Matt blew
me away. Unfortunately, the roller-coaster ride of Heroes has taken its
toll. Only 6 million of us watched Monday's two-episode premiere, the kicker
on a sad but continuing erosion of ratings through the seasons.

I would have loved for "Volume Five: Redemption" to be the true redemption
Heroes needs to get some of its viewers back. But that doesn't look like
it's going to happen. The first hour of the premiere, "Orientation," moved
at an agonizingly slow pace as we caught up again with all the characters,
who seem not to be that far from where they were in season one, with Claire
struggling to be normal, Nathan battling his nature, HRG being conflicted
about work, Matt's worry that his wife is cheating on him, Niki's struggles
(which are now Tracy's struggles) with her dark side, and Peter and Hiro's
desire to be heroes.

The best of things certainly seem to be the cool new villain in carny master
Samuel, played by Robert Knepper, and his main henchman, played by Star
Wars' Ray Park, who has lightning speed and some really big knives. And
thank God Hiro and Ando are back to add some comic relief to the too-serious
events. Without them and their plan for Dial a Hero, the premiere wouldn't
be much fun at all. And then there's Super Peter, saving lives as a
paramedic with his super powers ... Although couldn't Super Peter just stop
time and save people that way? I'm just saying.

Still, for every cool thing, there's a worrisome turn:

*       I had thought the whole Nathan/Sylar thing would give writers some
juicy material, but it seems the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of it has more to
do with Matt/Sylar since Sylar has taken up residence in Matt's brain,
forcing him to act like a lunatic.
*       Tracy comes back for revenge and ends up bonding a little too
weirdly with HRG.
*       Danko, an intriguing villain from last season, was killed off too
quickly, without a satisfying end to the character. Creator Tim Kring ...
you could have done better.
*       Claire's in college now and feeling out of place, but could she stop
moping already? She's in college and indestructible. And then her irritating
roomie jumps, is pushed or falls from their dorm room window, which should
be a good thing. Instead there's a mystery to be solved. Most college kids
would just ask for another room. But not our Claire. She takes a header out
the window, and, what a shock, someone sees her not die. Maybe Claire should
go to her classes and get that college education rather than try to solve
murders. Being indestructible leads to only so many types of jobs, and not
many of them are appealing.
*       Mohinder is missing. Okay, actually I don't find that worrisome.
Since the whole creepy Fly incident in "Villains," the once promising
character has been ruined for me, and the thought of him popping up again is

I find myself in the situation of Entertainment Weekly's Marc Bernardin.
"I've invested four bloody years in Heroes, at the very least, I need to see
how it ends," he wrote
<> . "At this
point, it's become a matter of pride. I am, however, pretty sure I'll spend
much of the show's remaining life shaking my fist at the TV."

And so it goes. My love/hate relationship with Heroes continues. I love Hiro
and Ando and HRG and Peter (although I wish he was sweet, as he was in
season one) and Claire (although I wish she would stop whining and start
saving the world again). I'm even fond of Matt and the Haitian. I love some
of the wonderful places Tim Kring has taken me with these Heroes. And I love
to hate Sylar (although he's beginning to look like Mr. Spock to me).

I know there will also be plenty to make me unhappy this season as well, and
I imagine, like Mr. Bernardin, my fists will get a workout. However, since
I'm sure this will be the last season for Heroes, I'm just hoping Mr. Kring
takes us out on a high note so that final episode pays off in a big enough
way to make me be glad I stuck by the show that, if nothing else, has given
me one hell of a ride.

What do you think? Do you still care about Heroes?

'Heroes': The good, the bad, and the meh of the season premiere -

by Marc Bernardin <> 

Categories: About Last Night
<> , Fall TV 2009
<> , Heroes
<> , I'm Just a Geek
<> , Ninjas
<> , Sci-Fi
<> , Television

Heroes is back, boys and girls, for its fourth season, aptly subtitled
Redemption. A better name couldn't have been chosen, as that's exactly what
this show needs. It needs to redeem itself in the eyes of people like me,
once-loyal viewers who've felt betrayed by what's  transpired in the
superheroic world that executive producer Tim Kring built.

And, in case you've forgotten, last season ended with Nathan Petrelli
(Adrian Pasdar) dead and Sylar (Zachary Quinto) brainwashed - by Matt
Parkman (Greg Grunberg), Noah Bennet (Jack Coleman), and Angela Petrelli
(Christine Rose) - to believe that he was the dead senator. (And look like
him, too, thanks to Sylar's shapeshifting power.) The Bennets have split up.
Hiro (Masi Oka) and Ando (James Kyson Lee) are putzing around Tokyo. And
Mohinder's some kind of taxi-driving snake-man.

So how'd the season premiere do in picking up those threads?  Here's the
good and the bad.

GOOD: Superpowered carny folk. Robert Knepper tore it up as Samuel, the
apparent chieftain of a band of traveling carnival workers. I suppose it was
only a matter of time before Heroes stumbled on a circus as a natural place
for the "differently abled" to hide in plain sight. It's a little unclear
what Samuel's power is - all we see him do is put crazy temporary tattoos on
folks that have either divine wisdom or choke ex-Sith Lords (Ray Park, out
of make-up for once). New blood is necessary to make Heroes work, and Samuel
seems to hold more promise than that south-of-the-border sibling disaster.

GOOD: Peter Petrelli. Milo Ventimiglia's always been good as the dutiful,
power-absorbent son who wants nothing more that to help people. And by
distancing himself from everyone with powers, he's doing just that. He's
super-paramedic-man: Leaping over garbage trucks in a single bound, ripping
doors off cars, saving damsels pregnant with twins. Plus, Peter might be the
only sane person on the show: "The further I stay away from you, and
whatever it is you're doing, the happier I'm gonna be.. My life is simple. I
understand it. I don't need for things to get complicated."

GOOD: Mohinder Suresh. Where was he? I don't know, but I hope he stays

UNDECIDED: Claire as Veronica Mars. Claire is taking time during her
freshman year in college to solve the murder of her roommate. And she's
forming her very own Scooby gang, beginning with Gretchen (Madeline Zima),
who's rumored to have her sights on Claire - and we saw the first stirrings
of that in this episode's awesomely blunt Guitar Hero bonding moment.

BAD: Claire's ongoing obsession with everything "normal." I don't get it:
Why does Claire Bennet (Hayden Panetierre) harp on living a normal life,
having normal experiences? Is Kring trying to say something through Heroes'
clear position on powers? Sylar relishes in them, and he's evil. Claire
hates them, and she's good.

BAD: Hiro Nakamura. When, oh when, can we mercy-kill Hiro Nakamura? Dial a
Hero? Literally saving cats from the Tokyo equivalent of trees? Didn't we
already have a whole season of these two acting like overgrown kids? For a
second, about halfway through the two hours, Hiro was interesting. The idea
that all of his space-time slippage has given him brain cancer - or is a
result of his brain cancer - would've given him some drive, some purpose,
some reason to stop acting like a child. He went on at length about how
monkeying with the past was forbidden, that nothing good ever comes from it.
And not 30 minutes later, after taking a slushy for Ando, thereby allowing
his sister and his best friend to get it on, Hiro decides that going back in
time and futzing with the space-time continuum is a capitol idea.

BAD: Sylar. I was kind of hoping for more time with Sylar's consciousness
buried in Nathan's body. Play the sleeper-cell dynamic, like in Battlestar
Galactica when we learned the truth about Boomer - we knew something bad was
going to happen, but we didn't know what or when. That's how you build
tension. But rather than let that sit, let us get used to the wolf in
sheep's clothing, we already get to see "Nathan" bugging out. Plus, Sylar is
now a manifestation of Matt Parkman's imagination? Or is he actually buried
within Matt? Or do I actually care? Survey says, no, because this was done
far, far better on BSG (and underscored by having BSG cylon Rick Worthy in
the same scenes).

BAD: The pace. It was almost a full hour before anything halfway interesting
happened: When Ray Park's carny knifemaster went up against Tracy the ice
mistress (Ali Larter). And it was 30 seconds of flash. Boom. Done. Heroes
seems to think that what viewers want from it is mood building. People
confessing in hushed tones how they feel about stuff they've done. Talk.
We've had season after season of the same thing. And the viewership, and the
buzz, and the critical praise, have all steadily dropped off. Isn't the
definition of madness doing the same thing over and over again but expecting
a different result each time? Why should we care any more about what's
happening here, given that it's the same thing we stopped caring about so
very long ago?

I'm encouraged by the circus storyline, even if I can see where all of this
is headed: Everyone gets drawn to Samuel's three-ring nightmare - by hook,
crook, or free will - and have to band together and take him down. Oh, and
Sylar will do some bad stuff along the way. Heroes isn't subtle enough, or
self-aware enough, to vary that formula. The question, for all of us, is
will we keep watching?

I will. I've invested four bloody years in Heroes, at the very least, I need
to see how it ends. At this point, it's become a matter of pride. I am,
however, pretty sure I'll spend much of the show's remaining life shaking my
fist at the TV. How about you? Are you in?



Tracey de Morsella, Managing Producer

The Green Economy Post


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