Interesting points you make, but I have one quibble: If you live in Austin, 
you're *not* a Southerner, you're a *Texan*!! Trust me, after growing up in 
Texas, and living in Atlanta for two decades, I can tell you the differences 
are many, former Confederate membership aside. 

I confound people here all the time when they say I'm from the South, and I 
say, "No, I'm not from the South, I'm from Texas". 
"Well, it has to be the South, 'cause Texas isn't really the Southwest like 
Arizona and New Mexico" is often the smart retort. 
"That's right", I drawl, "I'm not a true Southerner, and I'm not a true 
Southwesterner--I'm a Texan". 

And that says it all... 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bosco Bosco" <> 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 10:30:40 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Dollhouse' axed 

Obviously there is a relationship between ratings and success. Even an dopey 
southern, half wit like me can figure that much out. On the other hand, If your 
network goes out of it's way to ruin your ratings before your show is even on 
the air, you have to place the blame where the blame is due. 

In this case, the network is the problem. To be less than polite, Fox is 
totally fucking retarded. There's a bar here in Austin where the patrons play 
bingo with live chickens. The player who's chicken shits in the appropriate 
places first wins. The idiots at Fox could make their programming decisions 
with the chickenshit bingo method and it would be exponentially better than the 
first full drool cup method they currently use. Worst network in the history of 
television ever. 


--- On Thu, 11/12/09, bruce harden <> wrote: 

From: bruce harden <> 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Dollhouse' axed 
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 4:06 PM 

people dont want to seem to want to be challenged when those plain jkane shows 
csi navy spin offs are winning there time slots . Me ,I would like to see those 
dvr numbers because from what i can tell the genre stuff does well on ater time 

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Bosco Bosco < ironpi...@yahoo. com > wrote: 

        and we succumb to the inevitable. I hope he never works with them 


--- On Wed, 11/11/09, Tracey de Morsella < tdli...@multicultur aladvantage. com 
> wrote: 

From: Tracey de Morsella < tdli...@multicultur aladvantage. com > 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Dollhouse' axed 
To: scifino...@yahoogro 
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 8:09 PM 

This just in: 'Dollhouse' axed 

This has been a busy week for cancellations. The latest addition to the TV 
graveyard: Dollhouse . 

According to multiple insiders, Fox has informed Joss Whedon that it will not 
be ordering additional installments of his low-rated drama beyond the current 
13-episode order. On the bright side, the network still plans to burn off the 
remaining unaired episodes beginning in December. Hey, it’s something. 

Dollhouse has been averaging a mere 3 million viewers this season. Last season 
— when fan support, together with significant budget cuts, helped it to get an 
odds-defying second-year pickup — the show averaged 4.7 million. 

Bottom line: Dollhouse is lucky it ever saw a second season. Remember that when 
you’re posting your eulogies below. 

UPDATE: Whedon just posted the following statement on Whedonesque. com : “I 
don’t have a lot to say. I’m extremely proud of the people I’ve worked with: my 
star, my staff, my cast, my crew. I feel the show is getting better pretty much 
every week, and I think you’ll agree in the coming months. I’m grateful that we 
got to put it on, and then come back and put it on again. I’m off to pursue 
Internet ventures/binge drinking. Possibly that relaxation thing I’ve read so 
much about. By the time the last episode airs, you’ll know what my next project 
is. But for now, there’s a lot of work still to be done, and disappointment to 
bear. Thank you all for your support, your patience, your excellent adverts. 
See you again.” 

Tracey de Morsella, Managing Producer 

The Green Economy Post 



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