When I was growing up in Texas in the '60s and '70s, there was a lot of talk 
about colors applied to black women, be it lipstick, eye shadow, rouge, or even 
the color of clothing they wore . It was often felt that darker-skinned black 
women had no business wearing really red lipstick, for example. Now, if the 
sole objection were that many black people already have naturally pink or brown 
lips, that'd be one thing. My wife, for example, has a beautiful tone to her 
lips that is a mix of slight pink and soft brown. She doesn't need lipstick, 
just like many sisters. But she chooses to wear it, in shades from red to 
brown,a nd I'm cool with that. But the context was usually that the red 
lipstick looked bad against really dark skin. Of course, lighter skinned sister 
got more of a pass. 

Clothing was a big thing too. I remember some of my aunts and older cousins 
saying things such as "I can't believe she's wearing that loud orange dress as 
black as she is!". It seemed that any bright colors--reds, oranges, yellows, 
etc--were verboten for dark skinned people. There were often comments about our 
kin from Africa who'd wear such loud clothing, and how it didn't look good on 
them.   When I moved here to Atlanta, my wife and I attended a Caribbean 
parade. Talk about a breath of fresh air! I had never seen so many colors on so 
many people of so many hues, especially dark. Now, I had of course seen blacks 
dress in vivid colors all my life, such as high school bands, people in church, 
etc. But the number and variety in that parade was a whole new level. It helped 
me shake off the last vestiges of even entertaining that bright colors are only 
for "bright" people. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" <hellomahog...@gmail.com> 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 6:26:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Skin Color Prejudice in "Precious" Casting? 


I think that some areas were a little more "skin sensitive" than others but I 
do remember some of the controversy back then. Especially when Prince, the 
Debarges were big. 

On a side topic, there was a post that I read a few months ago that asked the 
question should black women wear lipstick. The author of the post believed that 
dark skinned black women should never wear lipstick. There were some other 
weirdness mixed into it that sounded a lot like pseudo-religious mess, but I 
thought that it was interesting. 

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 3:12 AM, Daryle Lockhart < dar...@darylelockhart.com > 

Sadly, his casting of lighter actors works because of the time the film is set 
in. I remember New York in the 80s very well. We don't like to discuss this, 
but we were a pretty color struck society then. The popular actors and singers 
at the time were light. It's one of the reasons Spike Lee's School Daze 

I have problems with the film but they are technical. I didn't like the way it 
was edited, for example.  

Also, some of the symbolism was a little heavy handed. But overall this movie's 
success is what indie film needed. 

Daryle Lockhart 

On Nov 23, 2009, at 2:41 AM, "Mr. Worf" < hellomahog...@gmail.com > wrote: 


I'm bothered that the director didn't change his or her perception of fat 
people until he made the film. He's no spring chicken. 

I think that the light skinned vs dark skinned thing is still going on but it 
is a lot more subtle. Hollywood still prefers the light skinned blacks as the 
good guy character. 

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Keith Johnson < KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net > 

"I'm prejudiced against people who are darker than me...When I was young, I 
went to a church where the lighter-skinned you were, the closer you sat to the 
altar".  --Lee Daniels, director of "Precious". 


I will drop a review of "Precious" in the next couple of days. Short answer: I 
loved the film, though it's difficult to watch at times ( i will say, due to 
all the hype, it's not as bad as I'd expected, since I was prepared for a lot 
more graphic abuse depicted).  One thing that does bother me about the film, 
now that I've heard it mentioned, is that the good people in it are all 
light-skinned. Indeed, Paula Patton, Lenny Kravitz, and Mariah Carey are all 
biracial. The "bad" people are all dark skinned.  

It's interesting that director Lee Daniels admits he's had some issues on the 
color  line, as noted in the article below. Interesting discussion on skin 
colour, that's unfortunately still relevant today, and interesting that in a 
film meant to explore the issues we all have, some of the creative work behind 
it reveals some of the same problems. 

What "Precious" Means for Race Relations 

Sunday November 8, 2009 

The film " Precious " premiered in select cities Nov. 6, and reviews are 
pouring in about the movie with a Harlem teen whose life transforms through 
education. To say that the circumstances of Precious Jones' life are bleak 
would be an understatement. Precious is illiterate, living with HIV and has 
been victimized by her parents in numerous ways, including sexually. Her father 
has twice impregnated her, and one child she's borne by him suffers from Down 
syndrome . 

"Precious" tackles an array of issues. Because the protagonist is black, 
however, both the media and the public have raised questions about its effect 
on race relations. I've summed up two major questions about the film below: 

Why do white audiences eat up black films and novels that depict dysfunction, 
poverty and abuse? 

Why are the villains in "Precious" dark-skinned and the heroes light-skinned? 

"Precious" is based on the novel Push by Sapphire. Both the film and the book 
have been compared to Alice Walker's The Color Purple and Toni Morrison's The 
Bluest Eye in that they, too, garnered praise from white critics and featured 
emotional and sexual abuse of black youth by family members. The fact that 
these works feature abuse isn't in and of itself a problem. The problem is how 
the mainstream receives these works. I have no problem if viewers and critics 
regard "Precious" et al. as representations of particular black families. On 
the other hand, I do object to viewers and critics who regard a film like 
"Precious" as the only authentic black experience and a television program such 
as " The Cosby Show " as inauthentic. The fact is both of these slices of black 
life are authentic. 

I do understand, though, why some members of the black community have 
criticized "Precious." Positive images of blacks in the media remain few and 
far between. In comedies, blacks are portrayed as buffoonish, cartoonish and 
uncouth. Films such as " Norbit ," " Doctor Dolittle " and " Big Momma's House 
," not to mention any Tyler Perry flick, mock black womanhood. And on the 
dramatic end, we've had stories of gang warfare, virulent racism and abusive or 
absentee parents. 

There's no doubt in my mind that media portrayals of people of color can lead 
to racial stereotyping. I'm reminded of a former classmate from a 
Mexican-American family from East L.A. Her roommate freshman year was a 
Midwesterner who, upon seeing the gang film " Mi Vida Loca ," said that she 
didn't realize my classmate had lived such a hard life. My friend laughed and 
told her that she had little in common with the "Mi Vida Loca" characters. 

In the case of "Precious," critics not only fear that the film will lead to 
racial stereotyping but that it constitutes "poverty porn." This refers to 
films that cater to privileged moviegoers who get off on taking in images of 
poor people in desperate situations. After watching such cinema, the privileged 
feel like better people just for having seen the film but do nothing to make 
change in the world they've witnessed on screen. 

In a New York Times Magazine interview , director Lee Daniels confessed that he 
worried about screening "Precious" for a European audience. 

"To be honest, I was embarrassed to show this movie at Cannes," he said. "I 
didn't want to exploit black people. And I wasn't sure I wanted white French 
people to see our world." 

He added, however, that because the world now has a black role model in Barack 
Obama , a story such as "Precious" can be shared without fear of racial 
backlash. I don't agree with this, considering that Obama is likely viewed by 
those in the U.S. and outside of it as the exception rather than the rule as 
far as African Americans go. 

I was also eager to hear Daniels discuss how he feels about exposing audiences 
to the thread of " colorism " that runs through "Precious." While the evil 
characters in the film are dark-skinned, the benevolent characters are played 
by actors so light-skinned they're not easily identifiable as black. 

"I'm prejudiced against people who are darker than me," Daniels remarked in New 
York Times Magazine . "When I was young, I went to a church where the 
lighter-skinned you were, the closer you sat to the altar. Anybody that's heavy 
like Precious -- I thought they were dirty and not very smart. Making this 
movie changed my heart. I'll never look at a fat girl walking down the street 
the same way again." 

I'm glad that Lee's prejudice dissipated during the course of making 
"Precious," but that doesn't change the harmful message sent by the colorism in 
his film. In the book "Precious" is based on, a dark-skinned teacher with 
natural hair changes Precious' perceptions of dark skin from negative to 
positive. This powerful transformation is lacking in the film because a 
fair-skinned actress was cast to play Precious' teacher. If Daniels really did 
become less prejudiced about size and color while making "Precious," hopefully 
his next project will feature dark-skinned blacks of strong character rather 
than violent, exploitative brutes with dark skin. 


Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years! 
Mahogany at: http://groups . yahoo.com/ group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/ 

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years! 
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/ 

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