Here's the thing: "Hancock" is the second most successful movie of Will Smith's 
career (ID4 is first).  I kid you not.  "Hancock" made $624.4 million 
worldwide. Money. Moni. Mone. Big Willie does it AGAIN!


--- In, "Tracey de Morsella" 624<tdli...@...> wrote:
> I read about this before, but thought it was in development hell.  I guess I
> was right.  Toobad.  I know a lot of people did not like it, but I did  -
> Tracey
> Director Peter Berg is still hoping to fly alongside "Hancock 2," but that
> plane isn't ready for takeoff just yet.
> During a visit to the set of Berg's currently filming "Battleship," Latino
> Review
> <
> -navy-destroyer-for-peter-berg-s-battleship-8681>  learned that the
> director's intentions to dive into a "Hancock" sequel have been stifled by a
> variety of factors, not the least of which are the busy schedules of
> himself, Will Smith and their collaborators. 
> "It's being written now and it's an issue of everybody involved in
> 'Hancock,'" Berg said of the movie's development. "There are so many cooks
> in that particular kitchen that it's so busy and Will [Smith] has kind of
> taken time off to be with his kids." 
> "There are so many people involved in that, from Will to his partner James
> Lassiter to Akiva [Goldsman] to Michael Mann, myself and to get us all in
> the same room just like this where we can all talk and then agree on
> anything, you've never met a group of people that have a harder time
> agreeing on anything," he continued. "It's like the Israeli peace process
> times a thousand how tough it is to resolve."
> Towards the end of this past summer, it seemed that news on the "Hancock 2"
> front was coming in at a breakneck pace. Berg revealed plenty
> <
> ock-2-plot-details/>  of plot teasers while confirming the
> <
> will-smith-and-charlize-theron-will-return-for-sequel/>  return of Will
> Smith and Charlize Theron, though Jason
> <
> >  Bateman's participation remains uncertain. Following that wave, however,
> word on "Hancock 2" quieted to less than a whisper - but that doesn't mean
> the movie isn't going to proceed.
> "I think it'll happen," said Berg. "We just have to kind of get in the same
> room for some consistency," 
> Still, the director has more to contend with than merely scheduling a
> meeting with his creative partners - he also has to straighten out his own
> upcoming film slate.
> "'Lone Survivor' is what I want to do next," he said, suggesting that
> "Hancock 2" might be further down the line than some had hoped.
> -stalled-by-scheduling-issues/
> Tracey de Morsella, Managing Producer
> The Green Economy Post
> tra...@...
> Phone: 425-502-7716

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