Good question, but I live in the South too, and I can't honestly say I've seen 
such a huge number of black women hook up with dudes who might as well be in 
the Klan. I think the level of racism in Thornton and his dad in the movie is 
one of my problems: most black women would have bolted. Do I know some who 
wouldn't? Sure, but like I said, that particular segment of society--black 
women who date virulently racist white men--isn't the largest part of black 
culture. I'm more concerned about showing the struggles of black men and women 
trying to make it together, as that's still the greater part of black society. 

As for whether it's worse for a black woman to hook up with a racist or a 
disrespectful brother? Hmmm...can't say I've ever done a comparison of that. 
Speaking as a black man, whatever other problems I might have with the opposite 
sex, i wouldn't want to be bringing racism into the mix. I'd *never* hook up 
with a white woman who thought my people were inferior even in the smallest 
part. It's pretty darn hard to purge one's psyche of deep-seated racism. I've 
known many black men and women who've gotten with whites who are prejudiced, 
and it turns my stomach. Even when they "love" the black people, they feel that 
have a free pass to make little racist jokes, call their loved one the n-word 
(happened in front of me once, I almost lost it). And often, their families can 
be even worse. I have a friend right now who's dating someone from the Deep 
South, and that person feels comfortable making all kinds of negative comments 
about black people. That person's family is straight-out bigoted, and don't get 
the "mixing". All other things being equal, whatever other problems you might 
have with a significant other or their family, it'd be nice to take racism off 
the list. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aubrey Leatherwood" <> 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:15:15 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

Just weighing in on Mr Worf's to say that sure black women hook up with 
rednecks, but why does it take that much analyzing? The disrespect many black 
men show women is no different in my opinion than some racist redneck, if 
you've accepted that men are going to treat you like trash... what's the 
difference? I'm not saying this is always the reason, but I've lived in the 
South my whole life and it's one reality I see. 

Aubrey Leatherwood 
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