Premieres at 8 pm EST tonight... 


Mark Dacascos is a master of martial arts. He is also the Chairman on Iron Chef 
of America and appeared on Dancing with the Stars . He proudly proclaims he is 
one-quarter Japanese, and both his parents are martial arts instructors. 

Samurai culture has always interested him. “They were always calm and relaxed 
right before they drew their swords and fought,” he stated. The Samurai 

Samurai on History Channel is a two-hour film which documents Dacascos’ journey 
to Japan to retrace the footsteps of the most famous samurai of all, Miyamoto 
Musashi. Originally the samurai’s job was to serve the emperor, much the same 
way the legendary Knights of the Round Table were meant to serve King Arthur. 
The life of the Samurai changed when the country was in transition from one 
Shogun to another. 

Musashi was born in 1584. Today he is the prime example in Japan of how to live 
and work. His philosophies that he wrote down in his final years of life in his 
book The Book of Five Rings , is what guides many Japanese businesses today. It 
is a guide to enlightenment. 

Samurai were also the inspiration for the Kamikaze pilots during World War II. 
“Being a samurai means being a killing machine,” and the WWII pilots took this 
to heart when they intentionally crashed their planes into boats in order to 
kill their enemy. 

Read more at Suite101: Samurai on History Channel: Tracing the Roots of the 
Famous Warriors

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