This is the real reason President Obama can't win for losing:

"In what would surprise media critics outside Washington, many reporters don't 
much like Obama or his gang, either. They accurately perceive the contempt with 
which they are held by his White House, an attitude that undoubtedly flows from 
the top." 

The press has no business insinuating itself into the political discourse.  
They hated both Jimmy Carter and Al Gore and America payed the price with 
Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.  

I shudder to think what Republican gargoyle is on the horizon and will be 
enabled by our thin-skinned press.


Read more:

--- In, "Kelwyn" <ravena...@...> wrote:
> Thursday's passage of financial reform, just a couple months after the 
> passage of a comprehensive health care overhaul, should decisively end the 
> narrative that President Barack Obama represents a Jimmy Carter-style case of 
> naive hope crushed by the inability to master Washington.
> Yet the mystery remains: Having moved swiftly toward achieving the very 
> policy objectives he promised voters as a candidate, Obama is still widely 
> perceived as flirting with a failed presidency.
> Read more:

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