Exactly, rave. This is the Fourth Estate at its king-making worst.

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Kelwyn <ravena...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> This is the real reason President Obama can't win for losing:
> "In what would surprise media critics outside Washington, many reporters
> don't much like Obama or his gang, either. They accurately perceive the
> contempt with which they are held by his White House, an attitude that
> undoubtedly flows from the top."
> The press has no business insinuating itself into the political discourse.
> They hated both Jimmy Carter and Al Gore and America payed the price with
> Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
> I shudder to think what Republican gargoyle is on the horizon and will be
> enabled by our thin-skinned press.
> ~(no)rave!
> Read more:
> http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0710/39772_Page3.html#ixzz0tqvhklzf
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com <scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com>, "Kelwyn"
> <ravena...@...> wrote:
> >
> > Thursday's passage of financial reform, just a couple months after the
> passage of a comprehensive health care overhaul, should decisively end the
> narrative that President Barack Obama represents a Jimmy Carter-style case
> of naive hope crushed by the inability to master Washington.
> >
> > Yet the mystery remains: Having moved swiftly toward achieving the very
> policy objectives he promised voters as a candidate, Obama is still widely
> perceived as flirting with a failed presidency.
> >
> >
> >
> > Read more:
> http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0710/39772.html#ixzz0tqdMvheK
> >

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant


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