Thanks a lot for the explanation.

So do I see this right, that I would need to calculate for each pair of 
feature vectors the KL divergence?

I have already tried to use a pipeline calculating an additive chi 
squared followed by a linear SVC. This boosts my results a bit. But I am 
still staying at an f1 score of 0.25 and I want to improve this if 
possible. Is this the right way to do this?

Maybe there are some tweaks intended, like changing the parameters etc.

Sorry for the dumb questions, but I haven't used on of these methods 
until now. Still excited to learn more about that ;)


Am 14.05.2012 21:18, schrieb David Warde-Farley:
> On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 05:00:54PM +0200, Philipp Singer wrote:
>> Thanks, that sounds really promising.
>> Is there an implementation of KL divergence in scikit-learn? If so, how can 
>> I directly use that?
> I don't believe there is, but it's quite simple to do yourself. Many
> algorithms in scikit-learn can take a precomputed distance matrix.
> Given two points, p and q, on the simplex, the KL divergence between the two
> discrete distributions represented is simply (-p * np.log(p / q)).sum(). Note
> that this is in general not defined if they do not share the same support
> (i.e. if there is a zero at one spot in one but not in the other). In
> practice, if there are any zeros at all, you will need to deal with them
> clearly as the logarithm and/or the division will misbehave.
> Note that the grandparent's note that the KL divergence is not a metric is
> not a minor concern: the KL divergence, for example, is _not_ symmetric
> (KL(p, q) != KL(q, p)).  You can of course take the average of KL(p, q) and
> KL(q, p) to symmetrize it, but you still may run into problems with
> algorithms that assume that distances obey the triangle inequality (KL
> divergences do not).
> Personally I would recommend trying Andy's suggestion re: an SVM with a
> chi-squared kernel. For small instances you can precompute the kernel
> matrix and pass it to SVC yourself. If you have a lot of data (or if you want
> to try it out quickly) the kernel approximations module plus a linear SVM
> is a good bet.
> David

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