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发件人: 杨哈哈 <yanghaha...@gmail.com>
日期:2021年11月10日 周三下午10:08
收件人: <scikit-learn@python.org>

Excuse me, I'm a Chinese student, Yang.I want to cite sklearn package in my
paper, because it's very efficient to machine learning.
But I'm doubt about references in official webpage. For example, the
references in 
is *LIBSVM:A Library for Support Vector Machines* and *Probabilistic
outputs for support vector machines and comparison to regularizedlikelihood
methods. *
May I ask you what are these references for?For the webpage or the package?
Or I just need to cite *Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python, Pedregosa
et al., JMLR 12, pp. 2825-2830, 2011 *in*
I would be appreciated if you can reply me.
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