Neil Hodgson wrote:
April White:
I've found it useful to be able to easily open the folder that the
filename is in, without having to ...
   Is this seen by others as a commonly needed operation? Everyone
works differently and this doesn't seem to me to be something that I'd
use. Its not easily discoverable either although possibly some
documentation would help.
I forgot about the documentation.

I have altered the SciTEDoc.html file section "Open Selected Filename" with:
On Windows only, if the selected file name is actually a directory, the Open dialog will appear.

I am unsure whether to change SciTE.rc:
   MENUITEM "Open Selected &Filename\tCtrl+Shift+O",    IDM_OPENSELECTED
MENUITEM "Open Selected &Filename or Folder\tCtrl+Shift+O", IDM_OPENSELECTED

(This change would be carried forward into CommandValues.html by scite/scripts/

BTW I noticed that scite/scripts/ has this line:
   <!--Generated by scite/scripts/ -->
       notice the 's' preceding


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