On Don, 18 Mai 2000, Matthias Bruestle wrote:

> Mahlzeit
> Harald Vogt wrote:
> > On the application side, it would offer
> > the smartcard services on a much higher abstraction level.
> Are you talking about OCF? www.opencard.org

Not necessarily. OCF has a few drawbacks. It's Java-specific,
local (one single VM, but I guess they're working on it), assumes
that all smartcard services and their implementations are known in 
advance. Very small devices would have a hard time running it.
(Of course, for Java applications it's well-suited.)
I think the networking aspect is not taken into account as
it should be. Maybe you want to take a look at 


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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