On 04.05.2014 14:29, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:
On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 7:38 AM, Dirk Bächle <tshor...@gmx.de> wrote:
This is a great start.  Thanks for doing it!  My preference would be a
hosted bugtracker though, just because it's one less thing to manage
(keep patched, ensure uptime etc.).  Also, a minor point, but people
may have more familiarity with the big hosted ones.
On the other hand, roundup is used by python.org and openhatch.org...which is where some new contributors might come from in the future.

Now, that said, I
don't really have much experience with any of them that I like.  So if
roundup is nice, hosting it ourselves wouldn't be all that terrible.
I'm pretty sure Pair, our current host, can do mod_python.
Maybe it would be worth the try to setup a demo instance of "roundup". We could run it in some kind of "read-only mode", updating its data from the Tigris tracker time to time. Just to get a better feeling for the tool...although I'm pretty sure that it beats Tigris' Issuezilla easily. I mean, we can't list all of our bugs/issues currently...because we have more than 500 entries? Were not in the 80s anymore. ;)

Ideally we'd have a stable tracker so we could put bug links into
commit messages, and mailing lists, and they'd still work 10 years
from now.  But that may be an impossible dream. :-)

As for #2739, I see I was involved in that.  I tried to get the OP to
write a test but that apparently was pushing a little too hard for him
at the time.  I guess I should take it.  The batch-mode fixes in there
are quite valuable.

We have a lot of good patches and enhancements pending in the issue list, and my impression is that they've been rotting there much too long now. With a better overview this wouldn't have happened...but it's probably also the communication from the BugParties that's missing and playing a role here.


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