>Derek spake thus:
>Just a note to say that Ferintosh (Dave Greenberg, Abby Newton and 
>Kim Robertson) will give an informal and FREE performance in St Peter's 
>Church, Linlithgow this Sunday 15th September as part of Doors Open 
>I liked it so much I bought the band.  No, must have been the CD cos it 
>fitted in my pocket.
>Thanks to Stuart for setting this up and letting us know.>

David Greenberg and Abby Newton in the same group? Somebody please tell
me where I can get the CD over the internet or somehow from Australia. I
didn't know I couldn't live without it until I knew about it, er, if you
know what I mean...

I just bought Abby Newton's CD Crossing to Scotland and had my first
proper listen to it today. Heavenly, especially her treatment of
'Crossing to Ireland', so different from Scotty Fitzgerald's, but I love
both of them...and as for David, I've been holding my breath since
'Return of the Traveller'... I preferred 'Bach Meets Cape Breton'
though, must admit...

Erica Mackenzie
Queensland, Australia

[Hello again all. Surfacing again slowly and painfully after a pretty
ghastly relapse. At least I've got a proper diagnosis now. Anybody
remember me? Nigel? Jack? Toby? Robyn? David? Kate? Derek? Ian? I
shouldn't really be calling myself macfiddler anymore, as rheumatoid
arthritis has put paid to the fiddling along with the playing of all
other stringed things for the forseeable future, but I CAN manage the
whistle, so I'm going to have to be satisfied with trying to learn that.
At least I'm back from the dead and playing again, though. Hooray!
Hubby's not so keen on whistles, though...neither am I, actually, but
it's either whistles or nothing, so...]
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