Hi Veda, I've been away a few days so am not sure if anyone responded to
this yet.  I don't have the SFSF CD but I do have the SFSF tune archive and
I think the ones you want are just called "Skye Dance I" and "Skye Dance
II".  If these are the ones, they're also on Alasdair's "Skyedance" CD
(i.e., the one with Paul Machlis, not any of the ones with his group
"Skyedance"!  How confusing), on the 7th track (not the track actually
called "Skye Dance", which is track 3!  See previous comment.).  At any rate
here are those tunes, as published in the archive.  Note the 2nd one is a
little strange, being 20 bars long (I did verify that this is what Alasdair
plays on the recording; he repeats the tune several times on that track)!
Hope this helps.  Let me know if these aren't the tunes you need and I can
check with club members who are more familiar with that CD and get the
correct ones. -Steve

T:Skye Dance I
C:Alasdair Fraser
S:San Francisco Scottish Fiddlers Tune of the month, 10/90
Z:Steve Wyrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 8-17-04
|:"A"A2 eA c2 BA|"G"B2 BB "D"d2 f2|"A"A2 eA c2 BA|"G"B2 BB    dA "A"Ae:|
|:"A"ae ed c2 BA|"A"AA eA    c2 e2|"A"ae ed c2 BA|"G"B2 BB "D"dA "A"Ae:|

T:Skye Dance II
C:Alasdair Fraser
S:San Francisco Scottish Fiddlers Tune of the month, 10/90
Z:Steve Wyrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 8-17-04
|:"A"e2 ee fe ef|"D"af fe "A"e2e2|"D"ff a=g f2 ee|"D"fe    ed    d2d2|\
"D"af ff "A"a2 ee|"D"fe ed d2f2:|
  "A"e2 e2 ec c2|"A"cc dc    e2e2|"A"e2 e2  ec c2|"A"cc    dB    A2A2|
  "A"e2 e2 ec c2|"A"cc dc    e2e2|"A"e2 e2  ec c2|   cc "G"dB "A"A2A2|]

madfiddler wrote:

>  Anyone know the names or have abc's of the so-called Skyedance Reels on
> Alasdair Frazier's San Francisco Fiddlers CD (the green one). The reels
> follow Fingal's Cave.
> thanks
> veda

Steve Wyrick -- Concord, California

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